Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Отличия Деда Мороза и Санта Клауса

Santa Claus lives in Laplandia

Слайд 1“Father Frost and Santa Claus”

“Father Frost and Santa Claus”

Слайд 2Santa Claus lives in Laplandia

Santa Claus lives in Laplandia

Слайд 3Father Frost lives in Great Ustyug

Father Frost lives in Great Ustyug

Слайд 4Father Frost has got a long coat. He has got a

white and long beard. He wears red or blue clothes and Russian valenki. He has a magic staff.
Father Frost has got a long coat. He has got a white and long beard. He wears

Слайд 5Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. He has got a

small beard, a cap with pompom, a short coat, and a black belt.
Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. He has got a small beard, a cap with pompom,

Слайд 6Santa Claus comes on 24th of December.
Father Frost comes on 31st

of December.
Santa Claus comes on 24th of December.Father Frost comes on 31st of December.

Слайд 7The transport of Santa Claus is a sleigh with magic flying


The transport of Santa Claus is a sleigh with magic flying reindeers.

Слайд 8The transport of Father Frost is 3 white horses with a

The transport of Father Frost is 3 white horses with a sleigh.

Слайд 9We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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