Презентация, доклад по геометрии на тему Geometric tasks for construction

The plan of studying the topic:   1. Introductory lecture:   - Historical information;   - Tools for building; 2. Plan to solve construction problems; 3. Perform a simple task to build; 4. The solution

Слайд 1«Geometric tasks for construction»

Duisebayeva P.S.
Altynbekov Sh.E.

«Geometric tasks for construction»Duisebayeva P.S.Altynbekov Sh.E.

Слайд 2The plan of studying the topic:   1. Introductory lecture:   - Historical

information;   - Tools for building; 2. Plan to solve construction problems; 3. Perform a simple task to build; 4. The solution of tasks for construction; 5. Tasks for independent solutions.


The plan of studying the topic:   1. Introductory lecture:   - Historical information;   - Tools

Слайд 10The construction of:

The construction of:

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