Презентация, доклад с викториной к неделе английского языка по теме Британские писатели




Слайд 41. Who was the author of “ Farm Animal”?
- John Kits
- Rudyard Kipling
- George Orwell

1.	Who was the author of “ Farm Animal”?-	John Kits-	Rudyard Kipling-	George Orwell

Слайд 52. William Thackeray wrote…
- Henry Esmond
- Jane Eyre
- “Complete Poems …”

2.	William Thackeray wrote…-	Henry Esmond-	 Jane Eyre-	“Complete Poems …”

Слайд 63. John Keats was
-American writer
- Canadian poet
-British poet

3.	John Keats was -American writer- Canadian poet-British poet

Слайд 7 4. George Eliot wrote….

- The Mill on The Floss
-Adam Bede
- No one of these novels
- Both of these novels
4. George Eliot wrote….

Слайд 8 5. Charlotte Brontë was the author of

Jame Eyre
- Jane Rare
- Jane Eyre
5. Charlotte Brontë was the author of   - Jame Eyre   - Jane

Слайд 9 6. Who wrote “Wuthering Heights”
- Emily Brontë

- Charlotte Brontë
6. Who wrote “Wuthering Heights”   - Emily Brontë   - Charlotte Brontë

Слайд 10 7. What was the name of the third sister Brontë

- Clara
- Anna
- Victoria
7. What was the name of the third sister Brontë   - Clara

Слайд 11 8. “Jude the Obscure “ was written by…

- Thomas Hardy
-William Blake
-Johm Milton
8. “Jude the Obscure “ was written by…   - Thomas Hardy   -William

Слайд 12 9. Charles Dickens was the author of…
- Complete

English Poems, Of Education
- Little Dorrit
- both of these novels


9. Charles Dickens was the author of…  - Complete English Poems, Of Education

Слайд 1310. William Shakespeare didn't write….
- Twelfth Night

- Merchant of Venice
- Dombey and Son


10. William Shakespeare didn't write….    - Twelfth Night    - Merchant of

Слайд 14The presentation was made by haun s.

The presentation was made by  haun s.

Слайд 15Источники: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FySp3k2n8tE

Источники: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FySp3k2n8tE

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