Презентация, доклад Праздники в Великобритании

Holidays… Every culture has its own holidays.The British have got many holidays they enjoy. There are several holidays a year in Great Britain. On these day people don’t go to work. They are: Christmas Day,Boxing Day,

Слайд 1Holidays in Britain

Holidays in Britain

Слайд 2Holidays… Every culture has its own holidays.
The British have got many

holidays they enjoy. There are several holidays a year in Great Britain. On these day people don’t go to work. They are: Christmas Day,Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday,Late Summer Bank Holiday.
Most of these holidays are of religious origin. But nowadays they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax,visit their friends.
Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries, on which certain traditions are observed.

Holidays… Every culture has its own holidays.The British have got many holidays they enjoy. There are several

Слайд 3Сan you guess some symbols that go with the holidays you

What holidays are mean?
Add words to the Word Web.


What they eat


What they do

Сan you guess some symbols that go with the holidays you remember?What holidays are mean?Add words to

Слайд 4New words
Observe – соблюдать
Of religious origin – религиозное происхождение
to be connected

– быть связанным
Annual – ежегодный
Fool – дурак
Goes to back – уходить своими корнями
make an attempt – сделать попытку
blow up – взорвать
Hang – повесить
Burn – cжигать
Dummy – чучело
Lent – пост
Good Friday – Великая Пятница на страстной недели

New wordsObserve – соблюдатьOf religious origin – религиозное происхождениеto be connected – быть связаннымAnnual – ежегодныйFool –

Слайд 5Answer the following questions:
1. What public holidays in Britain are of

religious origin?
2. What is the most important holiday of the year?
3. How do British families celebrate Christmas?
4. What is the most important tradition connected with Christmas?
5. What is Boxing Day connected with?
6. What public holidays are observed in spring?
7. When is St.Valentine’s Day?
8. What holiday is observed on the 5th of November?
9. When do people eat a lot of pancakes?
10. In what other countries is Halloween observed?
Answer the following questions:1. What public holidays in Britain are of religious origin?2. What is the most

Слайд 6Do the Crossword” Holidays and Festivals”
I always forget your wedding…
December 26th

is called… day.
The day Christ was crucified( распят).(2 words).
The day when people promise to try and better themselves by, for example, giving up smoking.
British people call April 1st …s’ Day.( 2 words).
Most people like to relax at the…
A time in Britain when people buy a lot of presents.
The day of the week when people go to church(церковь)
Do the Crossword” Holidays and Festivals”Across:I always forget your wedding…December 26th is called… day.The day Christ was

Слайд 7Match the holidays and their description.
New Year’ s Eve is a

night when
April 1 st is a day when
Mother’s Day is a day when
September 1 st is a day when
Easter is a religious holiday when
Labour Day is a holiday when
Christmas is a religious holiday when

People honour women by giving them flowers and presents
People play tricks on friends
Pupils and students start the new academic year.
People in country honour workers.
People have parties and stay up until midnight to see the new year in.
Many people have gatherings eating dyed eggs.
People have parties, light candles and give each other gifts.

Match the holidays and their description.New Year’ s Eve is a night whenApril 1 st is a

Слайд 8Match the holidays and pictures.
1. Christmas
2. New Year
3. St. Valentine’s Day

5. Mother’s Day
6. Father’s Day
7. Easter
8. Guy Fawkers’ Day
Match the holidays and pictures.1. Christmas2. New Year3. St. Valentine’s Day4. Halloween5. Mother’s Day6. Father’s Day7. Easter8.

Слайд 9Homework :
Write your own variant of short entry about other interesting

festivals and holidays observed all over the world.

So the lesson the over.
Homework :Write your own variant of short entry about other interesting festivals and holidays observed all over

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