Презентация, доклад на англ яз на тему Animal quiz (7 класс)

Речевая разминкаWhat date/day is it today? What is the weather like today? Do you like/dislike it? Why? Who is absent today?

Слайд 1The 16th of November

The 16th of NovemberThursday

Слайд 2Речевая разминка
What date/day is it today? What is the weather like

today? Do you like/dislike it? Why? Who is absent today?

Речевая разминкаWhat date/day is it today? What is the weather like today? Do you like/dislike it? Why?

Слайд 3Проверка домашнего задания
WB Ex 20 p 23: What can you do?

Complete the column You of the table below with the adverbs from the box. Now ask and answer questions and fill in the column Your partner” with the adverbs from the box.

Проверка домашнего заданияWB Ex 20 p 23: What can you do? Complete the column You of the

Слайд 4Проверка домашнего задания
Student A: Can you ride a bicycle?
Student В:

Yes, I can. I can ride a bicycle very well./Yes, quite well./Yes, but not very well. / No, I can’t.
Write 4-5 sentences about your and your partner’s abilities.

Проверка домашнего заданияExample:Student A: Can you ride a bicycle? Student В: Yes, I can. I can ride

Слайд 5Проверка домашнего задания
I can ride a bicycle quite well, but Maria

cart ride bicycle very well.

Проверка домашнего заданияExample:I can ride a bicycle quite well, but Maria cart ride bicycle very well.

Слайд 6Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели
Ex 1 p 34/T020: Look at the pictures

of these animals. Do you know what they are called in English? Listen and check your answers.

Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели Ex 1 p 34/T020: Look at the pictures of these animals. Do you

Слайд 7The 16th of November
Animal quiz.

The 16th of NovemberAnimal quiz.

Слайд 8Screen: запись в словари

1. cheetah — гепард
2. kangaroos -кенгуру
3. elephant —

4. python — питон
5. swallows — ласточки
6. leopard — леопард

Screen: запись в словари1. cheetah — гепард2. kangaroos -кенгуру3. elephant — слон4. python — питон5. swallows —

Слайд 9Screen: запись в словари
7. horses — лошади
8. rhinoceroses – бегемоты (гиппопотамы)

giraffes — жирафы
10. cobras — кобры
11. scorpion — скорпион
12. tiger — тигр
13. ostrich — страус

Screen: запись в словари7. horses — лошади8. rhinoceroses – бегемоты (гиппопотамы)9. giraffes — жирафы10. cobras — кобры11.

Слайд 10WB Ex 1 p 24/Pairs:
in pairs, ask and answer questions with

how about the animals in the pictures on page 34 of your Student’s Book (Part 1) and fill in the table. Student A, look here. Student B, look at page 125.

WB Ex 1 p 24/Pairs:in pairs, ask and answer questions with how about the animals in the

Слайд 11Ex 2 p 34/Pairs:
Read and answer the questions in Rachel’s quiz.

Ex 2 p 34/Pairs:Read and answer the questions in Rachel’s quiz.

Слайд 12WB Ex 3 p 24/Pairs:
Write answers to the questions from the

animal quiz on page 34 of your Student’s Book (Part 1), using the numbers in words.

WB Ex 3 p 24/Pairs:Write answers to the questions from the animal quiz on page 34 of

Слайд 13Домашнее задание
Выучить слова в словаре, подготовиться к диктанту

Домашнее задание Выучить слова в словаре, подготовиться к диктанту

На уроке я узнал, научился, ознакомился с …

РЕФЛЕКСИЯНа уроке я узнал, научился, ознакомился с …

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