Презентация, доклад по теме: Wedding traditions

The English believe a spider found in a wedding dress means good luck. Yikes!

Слайд 1Wedding traditions

Wedding traditions

Слайд 2The English believe a spider found in a wedding dress means

good luck. Yikes!
The English believe a spider found in a wedding dress means good luck. Yikes!

Слайд 3A Finnish bride traditionally went door-to-door collecting gifts in a pillowcase,

accompanied by an older married man who represented long marriage.
A Finnish bride traditionally went door-to-door collecting gifts in a pillowcase, accompanied by an older married man

Слайд 4A Swedish bride puts a silver coin from her father and

a gold coin from her mother in each shoe to ensure that she'll never do without. Learn more about Swedish wedding traditions.
A Swedish bride puts a silver coin from her father and a gold coin from her mother

Слайд 5In Asia, wearing robes with embroidered cranes symbolizes fidelity for the

length of a marriage.
In Asia, wearing robes with embroidered cranes symbolizes fidelity for the length of a marriage.

Слайд 6Аncient Greeks and Romans thought the veil protected the bride from

evil spirits. Brides have worn veils ever since.
Аncient Greeks and Romans thought the veil protected the bride from evil spirits. Brides have worn veils

Слайд 7Most expensive wedding ever? The marriage of Sheik Rashid Bin Saeed

Al Maktoum's son to Princess Salama in Dubai in May 1981. The price tag? $44 million.
Most expensive wedding ever? The marriage of Sheik Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum's son to Princess Salama

Слайд 8In Korea, brides don bright hues of red and yellow to

take their vows.
In Korea, brides don bright hues of red and yellow to take their vows.

Слайд 9In Denmark, brides and grooms traditionally cross-dressed to confuse evil spirits!

In Denmark, brides and grooms traditionally cross-dressed to confuse evil spirits!

Слайд 10In Egypt, the bride's family traditionally does all the cooking for

a week after the wedding, so the couple can…relax.
In Egypt, the bride's family traditionally does all the cooking for a week after the wedding, so

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