Презентация, доклад на тему Книга для чтения Jack and the Beanstalk 5 класс (эпизод 1)

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Before reading

Before reading

Слайд 31. Which of these things can you see in the pictures?

Underline Cupboard, table, honey, bread, cow, milk, dog, bed, chair.
1. Which of these things can you see in the pictures? Underline Cupboard, table, honey, bread, cow,

Слайд 42. Look at the title and the pictures. Who do you

think the boy is? Who is the woman? What do you think she is saying to him?

Jack Trott

2. Look at the title and the pictures. Who do you think the boy is? Who is

Слайд 5Listen and read to find out

Listen and read to find out

Слайд 6While reading

While reading

Слайд 73. Read and listen to the episode and mark the sentences

as T (true) or F (false). 1. Jack is working in his bedroom. ……. 2. Jack and his mother have got bread and honey to eat. ……. 3. They haven’t got any money. ……. 4. The cow’s name is Trott. ……. 5. Jack is happy to sell the cow. …….
3. Read and listen to the episode and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false).

Слайд 8Jack Trott is a young boy. He lives with his mother

in a little house in the country. Jack and his mother are very poor and they haven’t got a lot of food. They have got a cow, though, and her name is Daisy.
Jack Trott is a young boy. He lives with his mother in a little house in the

Слайд 9Jack is very lazy. He sleeps all day and he doesn’t

work. One day, Jack is sleeping in his bedroom, Mrs Trott wakes him up.
Jack is very lazy. He sleeps all day and he doesn’t work. One day, Jack is sleeping

Слайд 10“Wake up, Jack! You must help me. There is nothing to

eat for breakfast this morning. We haven’t got any food. Our cupboard is empty. We can’t buy any food because we haven’t got any money. You must go to the market and sell Daisy and buy some bread, milk and honey on your way home.”
“Wake up, Jack! You must help me. There is nothing to eat for breakfast this morning. We

Слайд 11“Yes, Mother.” But Jack is sad. He doesn’t want to sell Daisy.

She is his friend.
“Yes, Mother.”   But Jack is sad. He doesn’t want to sell Daisy. She is his

Слайд 12After reading

After reading

Слайд 134. Discuss in pairs: * Why is Jack sleeping? * Why do you

think his mother lets him sleep all day? * Why is Jack sad at the end of the episode? * What do you think will happen in the next episode?
4. Discuss in pairs: * Why is Jack sleeping? * Why do you think his mother lets

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