Презентация, доклад к уроку Reading Matters

“There is an art of readingas well as an art of thinking and an art of writing.”Isaac D’Israelia British writer. He is best known for his essays and as the father of British Prime Minister

Слайд 1Reading matters

Reading matters

Слайд 2“There is an art of reading
as well as an art of

and an art of writing.”

Isaac D’Israeli

a British writer. He is best known for his
essays and as the father of British Prime Minister Bendjamin D’Israeli

“There is an art of readingas well as an art of thinking and an art of writing.”Isaac

Слайд 3“There is an art of reading
as well as an

art of thinking
and an art of writing.”

Isaac D’Israeli

“There is an art of reading  as well as an art of thinking and an art

Слайд 4Reading Skills Assessment

Reading Skills Assessment

Слайд 54 task
English and American writers
1. This famous American

writer was born in 1835 and died in 1910. In his young years he tried the professions of a printer and a newspaper reporter. He wrote several short stories and novels and gained popularity as a humorist writer. His real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

4 taskEnglish and American writers1.    This famous American writer was born in 1835 and

Слайд 62. Despite of this person was born in India and lived

many years there he became a well-known English writer. He had 2 children – a boy and a girl, and when they were little he told them tales which he had made up himself. Later he published them, and the story about a little Indian boy brought up by the wolves became one of the most popular.
2. Despite of this person was born in India and lived many years there he became a

Слайд 73. At the Oxford University he studied mathematics and in a

few years the man began to teach it. Charles Dodgson had no family, but he often visited his friend Henry Liddell who had 3 little girls. One of the daughters asked him to write down the stories he had made for her and he did so.
3. At the Oxford University he studied mathematics and in a few years the man began to

Слайд 84. San Francisco is a native town for that writer. Almost

all his life he spent in poverty but tried to earn his living regularly. He even moved to Alaska to have a chance to find gold there but he couldn’t. His popular books are about brave people of the North. One of them is “Martin Eden” in which he described his own life.
4. San Francisco is a native town for that writer. Almost all his life he spent in

Слайд 95. It is the greatest English writer of the 17-th century.

He got a very good education. He knew history, mathematics, geography, several languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and ancient Greek. His famous novel is about the adventures of a real man, Alexander Selkirk, who lived on a desert island for 4 years.
5. It is the greatest English writer of the 17-th century. He got a very good education.

Слайд 106. This famous English writer was a son of a glove-maker.

He went to grammar school in Stratford and had quite a good education. There he learnt to love reading. Later he moved to London and soon became an important member of a well-known acting company.
Four hundred years later his plays are still acted – not only in England but in the whole world.
6. This famous English writer was a son of a glove-maker. He went to grammar school in

Слайд 117. He was born in 1759 and lived to be 37.

Nevertheless he greatly enriched English literature with his unforgettable works and became the national poet of Scotland. Perhaps his best poems are songs of love and nature .At the age of 27 he published a volume of his poetry. To his surprise it was a success and he went to Edinburgh. His best known songs date from his final years.
7. He was born in 1759 and lived to be 37. Nevertheless he greatly enriched English literature

Слайд 12Answers 1. Mark Twain 2. Rudyard Kipling 3. Lewis Carol 4. Jack London 5. Daniel Defoe 6.

William Shakespeare 7. Robert Burns
Answers  1. Mark Twain 2. Rudyard Kipling 3. Lewis Carol 4. Jack London 5. Daniel Defoe

Слайд 13Facts and Statistics
30% of teens

say they've borrowed a book
from their local library in the last year

61.3% of teens say they read at least one extra book
per month for personal pleasure
that isn't required for school

77.7% of teens rarely see their parents reading

50% of teens label their friends as "book
readers" and discuss books together

Facts and Statistics30%  of teens      say they've borrowed a book

Слайд 14 The ways in which teens read books  





an actual book (paper)


on my mobile phone

The ways in which teens read books    98.0%   29.4%

Слайд 15Conclusion
Discuss one way today’s lesson could be used in the real


Describe one topic that we covered today
that you would like to learn more about.
ConclusionDiscuss one way today’s lesson could be used in the real world.

Слайд 16

"So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, go throw your

TV set away.
And in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall.“

Roald Dahl

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