Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему Happy times: days of the week, months в 6 классе

Every week has seven days.See how many you can say:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. What’s today?

Слайд 1Happy Times: Days of the Week, Months

Happy Times:  Days of the Week, Months

Слайд 2Every week has seven days.
See how many you can say:
Sunday, Monday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday. What’s today?
Every week has seven days.See how many you can say:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. What’s today?

Слайд 3I go to the swimming pool on Monday.
I go to the

cinema on Tuesday.
I walk with my friends on Wednesday.
I go shopping with my mum on Thursday.
I visit my grandparents on Friday.
I do my homework on Saturday.
I play football on Sunday.
I go to the swimming pool on Monday.I go to the cinema on Tuesday.I walk with my

Слайд 7Prepositions of time
Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings?
Are you

usually at home ____ 7 o'clock ____ the evenings?
Do you sometimes work ___night?
What do you usually do ____ weekends?
Do you usually go shopping ____ Saturdays?
Do you go skiing ____ the winter?
Do you have a holiday ____ December?
Is there a holiday in your country ____ 6 , January?
Prepositions of timeDo you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings?Are you usually at home ____ 7 o'clock

Слайд 8Answers
at, in

Answersinat, inatatonininon

Слайд 9Your Mark is …
8 - «5»
7 - «4»
6 - «3»
5 -

Your Mark is …8 - «5»7 - «4»6 - «3»5 - «2»

Слайд 10Riddles
1 … bring the snow, Makes out feet and fingers glow.

2 … snows again And sometimes it brings us rain.
3 … brings sunny days and winds So we know that spring begins.
4 … brings the primrose sweet, We see daisies at our feet.
5 … brings flowers, joy and grass And the holidays for us.
6 … brings lilies and roses. Fills the children`s hands with posies.
Riddles 1 … bring the snow, Makes out feet and fingers glow. 2 … snows again And

Слайд 117 Hot … brings apples and cherries And a lot of other

8 … brings us golden corn, Then the harvest home is borne.
9 Warm … brings us school, Days are shorter, nights are cool.
10 Fresh … brings much fruit Then to gather them is good.
11 Red … brings us joy, Fun for every girl and boy.
12 Cold … brings us skating, For the New Year we are waiting.
7 Hot … brings apples and cherries And a lot of other berries. 8 … brings us

Слайд 12Homework


Слайд 13Thank you!

Thank you!

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