Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему Части речи

Слайд 1Good morning!
The 10th of November

Good morning!The 10th of November

Слайд 2My name’s …. And I’ve got ...

My name’s …. And I’ve got ...

Слайд 3[h]
I have a hare, I have a bear.
My toys are

here, my toys are there.
[h]I have a hare, I have a bear. My toys are here, my toys are there.

Слайд 4 [h]
Ex. 1 p. 27

[h]Ex. 1 p. 27

Слайд 5Ann
Распутай и закончи предложения

Ann SamBilly TomJaneРаспутай и закончи предложения

Слайд 6Проверь!
Ann has got a cat.
Sam has got a book.
Billy has got

a key.
Tom has got a star.
Jane has got a pen.

Проверь!Ann has got a cat.Sam has got a book.Billy has got a key.Tom has got a star.

Слайд 7Parts of body

Parts of body

Слайд 8We have got eyes and we can see. We have got ears and we can hear.  We have got legs and

we can walk.  We have got mouths and we can talk.

We have got eyes and we can see. We have got ears and we can hear.  We have got legs and we can walk.  We have

Слайд 9Describe the boy
He’s got brown hair. He’s got two ears. He’s

got one …
Describe the boyHe’s got brown hair. He’s got two ears. He’s got one …

Слайд 10Homework
Подпиши части тела

Homework Подпиши части тела

Слайд 12Goodbye!


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