Презентация, доклад на тему Presentation of the demonstrative lesson - At the doctor

Theme: At the doctor’s

Слайд 1Warm- up


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Warm- upRemedy              illness...……..............

Слайд 2Theme: At the doctor’s

Theme: At the doctor’s

Слайд 4Conversation: At a doctor

Conversation: At a doctor

Слайд 5
Diarrhea- диарея
Nauseous- тошнотворный
Vomiting- рвота
Giddy - головокружение
Raw- сырье
Indigestion - расстройство

Gargle полоскать горло
Diagnostic test- диагностический тест
Prescription- рецепт
Indigestion tablets- таблетки пищеварения

Diarrhea- диареяNauseous- тошнотворный Vomiting- рвотаGiddy - головокружениеRaw- сырье Indigestion - расстройство желудка Gargle полоскать горлоDiagnostic test- диагностический

Слайд 6headache
A sore throat
A toothache
A cold
A stomachache

headacheA sore throatinsomniafluA toothacheA coldA stomachache

Слайд 8Thank you for the lesson!
Early to bed and early to rise

, makes a man
healthy, wealthy and wise
Thank you for the lesson!Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man  healthy,

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