Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Путешествие по России

Words:Either … or – или….илиBusiness travel - деловая поездка, командировкаAdvantages - преимуществаTrain - поездFast - быстрыйSlow - медленныйConvenient - удобныйWay - путь, способSleeping car - спальный вагонDining car - вагон ресторанExpensive - дорогойJourney - путешествие, поездкаMostly



Слайд 2Words:
Either … or – или….или
Business travel - деловая поездка, командировка
Advantages -

Train - поезд
Fast - быстрый
Slow - медленный
Convenient - удобный
Way - путь, способ
Sleeping car - спальный вагон
Dining car - вагон ресторан
Expensive - дорогой
Journey - путешествие, поездка
Mostly - главным образом
Voyage - путешествие(по воде)
Trip – путешествие
To prefer - предпочитать
Pleasant - приятный
Plane (airplane) - самолет
Kind - вид, род, сорт

Words:Either … or – или….илиBusiness travel - деловая поездка, командировкаAdvantages - преимуществаTrain - поездFast - быстрыйSlow -

Слайд 3Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel

every day either in business or for pleasure. They travel by road, by air or by sea.
Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and most convenient way, but it the most expensive, too. Traveling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. You can see many interesting places of the country through the window. Modern trains have more comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantage of trains and planes. That is way many people prefer them to all other kinds of travelling.
Traveling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Tourists can make voyages on large ships to foreign countries. The trips on the Volga, the Don and the Black Sea are very popular today.
As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s more convenient because you don’t buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.


Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel every day either in business or

Слайд 41) Do you think modern life is impossible without travelling
2)Why do

people travel?
3) What are the means of travelling?
4) How do you prefer to travel and why?
5) What is the fastest kind of travelling?


1) Do you think modern life is impossible without travelling2)Why do people travel?3) What are the means

Слайд 6Russia
The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It

occupies one seventh of the Earth’s surface. It is situated both in Europe and Asia. The total area is washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic oceans. Our neighbors in the south art China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west we have borders witch Norway, Finland, Belarus and the Ukraine. There is on country in the world like Russia, with the steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east. There is a great number of rivers in Russia. The Volga, the longest in Europe river, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers – the Ob’, the Yenisey and the Lena flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific ocean. The deepest lake in the world is Baikal. The water in the lake is so clear, that you can see the stones on the bottom.
Because of the vast territory there are various types of climate in the country. The climate varies greatly in different regions.
Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.
Russia is a parliamentary republic with the strong power of the President who is the head of the state. The State Duma and the Council of Federation are the legislative branch of the government.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the largest political, cultural and industrial center. In is of the cldest Russian cities.
The national banner of Russia is a tricolour with white, blue and red stripes.
Russia		The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies one seventh of the Earth’s

Слайд 7Words
Native country-страна рождения, родина
To occupy- занимать
Surface- поверхность
Highlands- возвышенности
To flow- течь
Vast- обширный

Legislative branch- законодательная власть
National banner- государственный флаг
Stripes- полосы
WordsNative country-страна рождения, родинаTo occupy- заниматьSurface- поверхностьHighlands- возвышенностиTo flow- течьVast- обширныйCopper- медьLegislative branch- законодательная властьNational banner- государственный

Слайд 8Questions
1) What is the of Russia?
2) What oceans is Russia washed

3) What are the neighboring countries of Russia?
4) What are the main rivers of Russia?
5) What are the natural resources of Russia?
6) What does the national banner of Russia look like?

Questions1) What is the of Russia?2) What oceans is Russia washed by?3) What are the neighboring countries

Слайд 9The end

The end

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