Презентация, доклад по математике на английском языке для 8 класса системы квадратных неравенств

Crosswordb o u n d a r yregindetemineiequalitys h a e s o i dc r c l

Слайд 1System of quadratic

System of quadratic inequalities

Слайд 2Crossword
b o u n d a r








s h a e

s o i d

c r c l e


Crosswordb o  u n  d a  r  yregindetemineiequalitys  h a

Слайд 3

1. How many ways to solve inequalities do you know?
2. What

do you know about solving by graphing?
3. What do you know about using ‘sign’ diagram?
Questions1. How many ways to solve inequalities do you know?2. What do you know about solving by

Слайд 4Variable ['veərɪəbl]- переменная
Indicated ['ɪndɪkeɪt]- показывать; обозначать
Overlap [ˌəuvə'læp]- перекрывать
Spot [spɔt]- точка
Separately ['sep(ə)rətlɪ]-

Number line -числовая прямая


Variable ['veərɪəbl]- переменнаяIndicated ['ɪndɪkeɪt]- показывать; обозначатьOverlap [ˌəuvə'læp]- перекрыватьSpot [spɔt]- точкаSeparately ['sep(ə)rətlɪ]- отдельноNumber line -числовая прямаяVocabulary

Слайд 6Write each inequalities as an equations and solve separately.
Plot the

solutions (called critical x-values) on a number line.
Test an x-value in between the critical values and determine the range that is true for the inequality.
Find the intersection of solutions.

Write each inequalities as an equations and solve separately. Plot the solutions (called critical x-values) on a

Слайд 7

Example 1:
Solve next system


Solution of system:

Example 1:Solve next system -1 1 -2 2хSolution of system:

Слайд 8Graph both parabolas first.
Then shade the areas indicated.
The solution

to the system is the part that is shaded by all inequalities.
If there are no overlapping spots, there is no solution .

Graph both parabolas first. Then shade the areas indicated. The solution to the system is the part

Слайд 9

Example 2:
The overlapped area can satisfy both inequalities.
Thus, it is

the solution to this system of quadratic inequalities

Solve next system

Example 2:. The overlapped area can satisfy both inequalities.Thus, it is the solution to this system of

Слайд 10

Example 3:
Solve next system
There is no overlapped area which can satisfy

both inequalities. Thus, there is no solution to this system of quadratic inequalities.

Example 3:Solve next systemThere is no overlapped area which can satisfy both inequalities. Thus, there is no

Слайд 11Problems
Solve system of inequalities In two variables:

Solve system of inequalities

In one variable:
ProblemsSolve system of inequalities In two variables: Solve system of inequalities In one variable:

Слайд 12Homework
Learn new words and rules.

HomeworkLearn new words and rules.

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