Презентация, доклад на тему Комикс Krutik and Nutik

- Nutik, look there! What’s that??? Let’s go and find out!!!There were two superheroes Krutik and Nutik. They fought against evil.

Слайд 1Krutik and Nutik
Кускова Алиса
3 В класс

Krutik and Nutik Кускова Алиса3 В классМБОУ СОШ № 25

Слайд 2- Nutik, look there! What’s that??? Let’s go and find out!!!

were two superheroes Krutik and Nutik. They fought against evil.
- Nutik, look there! What’s that??? Let’s go and find out!!!There were two superheroes Krutik and Nutik.

Слайд 3They got into their cars and went on the road.

Krutik!!! This is the spaceship of our enemy!!!
They got into their cars and went on the road. - Krutik!!! This is the spaceship of

Слайд 4- Look, Nutik!!! She is the worst villain…. Let’s grab her!!!

Of course!!!

I’m a villain and I do bad things!!!!!!

- Look, Nutik!!! She is the worst villain…. Let’s grab her!!!- Of course!!!I’m a villain and I

Слайд 5So the superheroes sent her to prison and saved the world

from another evil.

- I think this is unfair!!!!!!!

So the superheroes sent her to prison and saved the world from another evil. - I think

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