Презентация, доклад на тему Персона века. Презентация об известных личностях в политике, культуре, науке, спорте стран изучаемого языка в определенный исторический период. Уинстон Черчилль —Великий политолог и комбинатор XX века


Winston Churchill - a great politician and strategist of XX century

Слайд 1Персона века. Презентация об известных личностях в политике, культуре, науке, спорте

стран изучаемого языка в определенный исторический период. Уинстон Черчилль —Великий политолог и комбинатор XX века

Выполнил: Олег Дмитриевич Дойчик
государственное казенное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Междуреченский горностроительный техникум (ГКПОУ МГСТ)
Специальность: Маркшейдерское дело
Курс: 2
Руководитель: Татьяна Александровна Лесникова

Персона века. Презентация об известных личностях в политике, культуре, науке, спорте стран изучаемого языка в определенный исторический

Слайд 2Winston Churchill - a great politician and strategist of XX century

Winston Churchill - a great politician and strategist of XX century

Слайд 3Plan
1. Sir Winston Churchill
2. After the ball
3. Mother's darling

4. The poor student with character
5. Dangerous fugitive
6. Shame and war
7. The anticommunist welcomes (USSR)
8. Birthday in Tehran
9. Addictions are not a hindrance
10. The Prime minister of Great Britain
11. Anti-Hitlerite coalition
12. The German post brands caricatures on Churchill. 1940 — 1944
13. DEATH!
14. Literature
15. Thank you for your attention!

Plan1. Sir Winston Churchill 2. After the ball 3. Mother's darling 4. The poor student with character5.

Слайд 4 Sir Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) is from the aristocratic

family of the Dukes.. He is officially the best-known Briton of all times (according to BBC). He was the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Secretary of State for War, the President of the Board of Trade, the Minister of Internal Affairs, lord of Admiralty, the Prime minister. This is really very picturesque personality, and his biography is similar to the political detective story by Yulian Semenov.
Sir Winston ChurchillSir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) is from the aristocratic family of the Dukes.. He is

Слайд 5 After the ball
Let's begin with the fact that Winston

Churchill was born prematurely. At that time his parents (sir Randolph and lady Jannie) were in the place, called “Blekheym”, and his childbirth began during a dance. Future great Briton started his career in the diapers of the local lawyer`s baby.

After the ball Let's begin with the fact that Winston Churchill was born prematurely. At that

Слайд 6 Mother's darling
Sir Randolph Churchill, Winston`s father, was famous in

British policy. He was a minister and belongs to the conservatives. His father considered Winston hopeless and numskull, because of his poor academic record in school. But his mother believed in him and supported all his actions. When sir Randolph lost his minister's post, she refused to give back his ritual clothes and declared that she will keep it for the son.

Mother's darling  Sir Randolph Churchill, Winston`s father, was famous in British policy. He was a

Слайд 7The poor student with character
From early years Winston showed good

abilities, but he didn`t study well. He was very unaccommodating, he learned only the subjects in which he was interested - literature and history. He despised school orders, did some disrespectful remarks to teachers. He wasn't a poor student but studied always unevenly, and was admitted to military school of Sanderkherst only from the third time.

The poor student with character From early years Winston showed good abilities, but he didn`t study well.

Слайд 8 Dangerous fugitive
The military career Churchill started mainly as a

war correspondent. It turned out that he was an excellent journalist . He didn't hide mistakes and even crimes of the British military men.

At the same time Churchill also was involved in fights and proved to be a very brave person. During the Boer war he was even taken into a prison. His escape from the prison made him famous and even helped him to start his political career.

Dangerous fugitive  The military career Churchill started mainly as a war correspondent. It turned

Слайд 9 Shame and war
When Churchill was 35 years he appeared

at the top of an imperious pyramid of power, and he was there for very long time. He never "clung to a chair", wasn't afraid of unpopular measures and didn't hesitate to have his own opinion which wasn`t the same as the main line of the government. His well-known phrase about participating the UK in the World War II became legendary: "England had the choice between a shame and a war. It chose a shame, and received a war".
Shame and war  When Churchill was 35 years he appeared at the top of an

Слайд 10 The anticommunist welcomes (USSR)
All his life Churchill was a

constant enemy of communism, in particular, he supported intervention against the Soviet Russia. But in several hours after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he was the first of leaders of great powers (at that time he was a prime minister) who supported the USSR, having promised it help and alliance. His speech was a masterpiece of oratory art.

The anticommunist welcomes (USSR) All his life Churchill was a constant enemy of communism, in particular,

Слайд 11 Birthday in Tehran
Churchill had to celebrate his 69th birthday in

the company of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin. At that time the Teheran conference took place in Teheran. In the evening on November 30 Churchill invited Stalin and Roosevelt to a festive dinner. They say, Stalin had presented him a big bottle of unique Georgian wine.

Birthday in TehranChurchill had to celebrate his 69th birthday in the company of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin.

Слайд 12 Addictions not a hindrance
The whole Churchill's life definitively proves

that there are exceptions from any rule. Alcohol and tobacco are certainly harmful. But Churchill could drink brandy one liter a day, and some people say that he even sleeps with a cigar in his teeth! However, he has lived 90 years! And what years!
Addictions not a hindrance  The whole Churchill's life definitively proves that there are exceptions from

Слайд 13 Prime minister of Britain
The major period of Churchill's political career

began when he became the Prime minister and the head of the Ministry of Defense early in World War II. "I felt as if I was walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour," Churchill wrote in the first volume of his account of the war.
Prime minister of Britain The major period of Churchill's political career began when he became the

Слайд 14 Anti-Hitlerite coalition
From 1943 Churchill spent more time managing the uneasy

Allied coalition of Soviet Union, US and the UK. Churchill was involved in many aspects of the war, taking an interest in all areas. Churchill also participated in conferences with Stalin and Roosevelt which helped shape the war and post-war settlement.
Anti-Hitlerite coalition From 1943 Churchill spent more time managing the uneasy Allied coalition of Soviet Union,

Слайд 15 The German post brands caricatures on Churchill. 1940 — 1944

The German post brands caricatures on Churchill. 1940 — 1944

Слайд 16 DEATH!

Churchill died in his home at the age of

90, on the morning of Sunday 24 January 1965. His funeral was the largest state funeral in the world, up to that point in time .. The stroke which not for the first time attacked the politician became a cause of death of the former British prime minister.

"Democracy is a demagogy of domination and richness of a dullness“?, - Winston Churchill
DEATH! Churchill died in his home at the age of 90, on the morning of Sunday

Слайд 17 Literature


Слайд 18 Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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