Презентация, доклад на тему Химия пәнінен Атом құрылысы тақырыбында Презентация жұмысы

Lesson objectives: Сабақ мақсаты8.1.3.1 бірінші 20 элементтің электрондар санын анықтау электрондардың қабаттарда орналасуының схемасын салу электрондар атомда ядродан арақашықтықтары артып келе жатқан орбитальдарда біртіндеп орналасатындығын түсіну

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Lesson objectives: Сабақ мақсаты бірінші 20 элементтің электрондар санын анықтау электрондардың

қабаттарда орналасуының схемасын салу электрондар атомда ядродан арақашықтықтары артып келе жатқан орбитальдарда біртіндеп орналасатындығын түсіну
Lesson objectives: Сабақ мақсаты8.1.3.1 бірінші 20 элементтің электрондар санын анықтау электрондардың қабаттарда орналасуының схемасын салу

Слайд 3Terminology


Слайд 4electron


Слайд 5Is located in the center of atom.

Is located in the center of atom.

Слайд 6electron
Move around nucleus with high speed

electronMove around nucleus with high speed

Слайд 7+
Atomic structure

+-ShellElectronProtonNeutronNucleusAtomic structure

Слайд 8Is located in the center of atom.

Is located in the center of atom.

Слайд 9Neutron
are neutral particles and shown as ``n``

Neutronare neutral particles and shown as ``n``

Слайд 10Protons
are positive particles found in the nucleus of atom and shown

as ``p``
Protonsare positive particles found in the nucleus of atom and shown as ``p``

Слайд 11Electron
Move around nucleus with high speed

ElectronMove around nucleus with high speed

Слайд 12Shell
depends on the periodic number

Shelldepends on the periodic number

Слайд 13Here are below a maximum number of electrons on “K”, “L”,

“M”, “N” shell.
Here are below a maximum number of electrons  on “K”, “L”, “M”, “N” shell.

Слайд 15General description of element

General description of element

Слайд 17Put the words in the gaps

Put the words in the gaps

Слайд 18Nucleus shell, atom neutral, negative electrons orbital, positive protons, neutron

Scientists say

that the smallest particle of substances are called _____ . Atom means indivisible derived from atomos in Greek language because of its very small size. Atom has two parts, nucleus and _______ . _________ is located in the center of atom and electrons move aroud nucleus with high speed. Scientists believed that atoms were indivisible up to 20th century. Today we know that atoms have subatomic particles, called _______, ________ and electrons.
Protons are _______ particles found in the nucleus of an atom, and shown as «p». Each element has certain number of protons which differ from other elements. Neutrons are _________particles found in the nucleus of an atom, and shown as «n». Electrons are _______ particles that move around the nucleus of an atom, and shown as “e”. Neutral atoms have the equal number of protons and electrons. Electrons are rotating in certain places called _________ energy level or shell. The electrons located in the outermost shell of atoms are called _____________. __________ have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. They have similar chemical properties but different physical properties.
Nucleus shell, atom neutral, negative electrons orbital, positive protons, neutron 	Scientists say that the smallest particle of

Слайд 19Nucleus shell, atom neutral, negative electrons orbital, positive protons, neutron

Scientists say

that the smallest particle of substances are called atom. Atom means indivisible derived from atomos in Greek language because of its very small size. Atom has two parts, nucleus and electron. Electron is located in the center of atom and electrons move aroud nucleus with high speed. Scientists believed that atoms were indivisible up to 20th century. Today we know that atoms have subatomic particles, called proton, neutron and electrons.
Protons are positive particles found in the nucleus of an atom, and shown as «p». Each element has certain number of protons which differ from other elements. Neutrons are neutral particles found in the nucleus of an atom, and shown as «n». Electrons are negative particles that move around the nucleus of an atom, and shown as “e”. Neutral atoms have the equal number of protons and electrons. Electrons are rotating in certain places called negative energy level or shell. The electrons located in the outermost shell of atoms are called valence electron . Isotopes have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. They have similar chemical properties but different physical properties.
Nucleus shell, atom neutral, negative electrons orbital, positive protons, neutron 	Scientists say that the smallest particle of

Слайд 20Complete the sentences and pronounce them
Atom is _____________
From Greek language atomos

means _____________
Atom has two parts: ______ and _______
Protons are _____________ and shown as `` p``
Neutrons are _________ and shown as ``n``
Electrons are _________ and shown as ``e``
Isotopes have ___________________ .
Complete the sentences and pronounce themAtom is _____________From Greek language atomos means _____________Atom has two parts: ______

Слайд 21Complete the sentences and pronounce them
Atom is the smallest particle of

From Greek language atomos means very small size
Atom has two parts: nucleus and electron
Protons are positive particles found in the nucleus of atom and shown as `` p``
Neutrons are neutral particles and shown as ``n``
Electrons are negative particles than move around the nucleus of on atom and shown and shown as ``e``
Isotopes have the some number of protons but different number of neutrons .
Complete the sentences and pronounce themAtom is the smallest particle of substancesFrom Greek language atomos means very

Слайд 22Постер қорғау

Постер қорғау

Слайд 23Put words on the atom model

Put words on the atom model+-

Слайд 24Put words on the atom model

Put words on the atom model+-ShellElectronProtonNeutronNucleus

Слайд 25Work in pairs. Ask the following question to a partner
What is

What is the meaning of atomos from Greek language?
What are the two parts that atom has?
What is definition of protons?
What is definition of neutrons?
What is definition of electrons?
What is definition of isotope?
Work in pairs. Ask the following question to a partnerWhat is atom?What is the meaning of atomos

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