Презентация, доклад по физике Интегрированный урок Физика и Новый год(8 класс)

Lesson Objectives: Lesson plan:1. Problem statement.2. Problems on physics.3. The decision to quantitative problems.4. Physical experiment.5. Reflection.

Слайд 1Integrated lesson on physics "Physics and the New Year" with active

forms of learning for the 8th grade.

Mashinyan A.A. – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, teacher of physics (school MGPY)
Kochergina N.V. – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, teacher of physics (school “Nika”)
Koroleva M.L. – teacher of English (school “Nika”)

Integrated lesson on physics

Слайд 2Lesson Objectives:

Lesson plan:
1. Problem statement.
2. Problems on physics.
3. The decision to

quantitative problems.
4. Physical experiment.
5. Reflection.
Lesson Objectives:		Lesson plan:1. Problem statement.2. Problems on physics.3. The decision to quantitative problems.4. Physical experiment.5. Reflection.

Слайд 3Problem statement
Santa Claus has come to us for a holiday.

He does not know Russian. He gives us some questions in English. The class should be divided into two teams. The first team is called the ice. The second team is called the snow. The winner will get a prize. The contest begins!

Problem statement  	Santa Claus has come to us for a holiday. He does not know Russian.

Слайд 4 The first competition "Problems on physics":

The first competition

Слайд 5The second competition "The decision to quantitative problems.”

The second competition

Слайд 6Physical experiment

Physical experiment

Слайд 7Reflection:
1. What new did you learn in the classroom?
2. What skills

did you get in the lesson?
3. Why are squibs dangerous?
4. Would you like to study physics in English?
Reflection:1. What new did you learn in the classroom?2. What skills did you get in the lesson?3.

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