Презентация, доклад на тему Voronezh

I from many cities choose to Voronezh

Слайд 1Fulfilled the student of group CP-171
Julia Melnikova
Voronezh is my favorite

Fulfilled the student of group CP-171 Julia MelnikovaVoronezh is my favorite city

Слайд 2I from many cities choose to Voronezh

I from many cities choose to Voronezh

Слайд 3The ship on the Admiralty square. Voronezh is famous worldwide as

the cradle of the Russian fleet. Here were the shipyards for building new ships.
The ship on the Admiralty square. Voronezh is famous worldwide as the cradle of the Russian fleet.

Слайд 4Many here were born the great people. Another well-known city as

the cradle of the Navy.
Many here were born the great people. Another well-known city as the cradle of the Navy.

Слайд 5There are many cathedrals and beautiful churches in Voronezh

There are many cathedrals and beautiful churches in Voronezh

Слайд 6The assumption Admiralty Church, the oldest Church in Voronezh. Built in

1694, near the shipyards. It was sanctified built ships.
The assumption Admiralty Church, the oldest Church in Voronezh. Built in 1694, near the shipyards. It was

Слайд 7Lenin square is one of the most important places of the

Lenin square is one of the most important places of the city.

Слайд 8Our region is rich in talent. Pyatnitskiy M. E. Founder of

the folk choir.
Our region is rich in talent. Pyatnitskiy M. E. Founder of the folk choir.

Слайд 9In Voronezh there is a famous monument to the kitten from

lizyukov street.
In Voronezh there is a famous monument to the kitten from lizyukov street.

Слайд 10Voronezh-a city of glorious beauty ,
Though small in scale, the

entire Planet
But he is great in Russia virgin
Here lived the famous poet.
Voronezh-a city of glorious beauty , Though small in scale, the entire Planet But he is great

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!

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