Презентация, доклад на тему Урок-игра по английскому языку Искатели сокровищ

1. Small steps, Big results. It is all about us!  2. We are the best from North to South, from East to WestTeams, greet each other.

Слайд 1Подготовила:
учитель английского языка
Юсупова Надия Анваровна

г. Новосибирск

Урок –игра по- английскому языку для 4 класса «Искатели сокровищ»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Средняя общеобразовательная школа №117
г. Новосибирска

Подготовила:     учитель английского языка Юсупова Надия Анваровна  г. Новосибирск МБОУ СОШ №117Урок

Слайд 31. Small steps, Big results. It is all about us! 


We are the best from North to South, from East to West

Teams, greet each other.

1. Small steps, Big results. It is all about us!  2. We are the best from North

Слайд 4tall


Слайд 5Winnie-the-Pooh is the saddest / funniest animal in the wood.


owl is the cleverest / youngest bird.

Artemon has more / many friends than Basilio.

Alisa is worse / bad than Artemon

Winnie-the-Pooh is the saddest / funniest animal in the wood. The owl is the cleverest / youngest

Слайд 8in
In the left corner

inaboveonIn the left corner

Слайд 9 Вставьте предлоги места.
1. I live … my own room. 2. The picture

is … my bed. 3.The computer is … the table. 4. There is a carpet in the … of the room.5. The TV set is … two armchairs. 6.There are two beds…to the window.

 Вставьте предлоги места.1. I live … my own room. 2. The picture is … my bed. 3.The computer

Слайд 13Вставьте am, is, are. 
1. He … a pupil. 2. Fred

… not angry. 3. My friend … kind. 4. Her name … Mary. 5. She … a nice girl. 6. We … pupils. 7. His name … Tom. 8. I … seven. 9. Rex … brave and kind. 10. They … friends. 11. You … happy. 12. Her name … Bess. 13. She … nice and merry. 14. Kate … not lazy. 15. Her name … Jill. 16. She … seven. 17. He … a nice boy. 18. His shirt … nice. 19. Tim … slim and sad. 20. He … happy. 21. I and Tom … friends. 22. Nick … strong. 23. Tom … smart. 24.  Mr Greenwood … nice.  25. His pet … funny. 26. Bob … strong. 27. It … black. 28. I … a pupil. 29. My friend … brave. 30. You … sad.

Вставьте am, is, are.   1. He … a pupil. 2. Fred … not angry. 3. My friend

Слайд 14made


Слайд 15 Jane ….(get up) at seven o`clock. She…. (have) breakfast

at eight o`clock and went to school. She … (see) a crocodile there. She ….(say) «Hi» to the crocodile. She ….(come) home with a little crocodile in her hands. She …(take) three apples and ….(give)them to the crocodile. She …(do) it with great pleasure.
Jane ….(get up) at seven o`clock. She…. (have) breakfast at eight o`clock and went to

Слайд 16Congratulations!


Слайд 17Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael. Primary reading Box.-Cambridge University Press,2005
Список используемых источников

Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael. Primary reading Box.-Cambridge University Press,2005Список используемых источников

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