Презентация, доклад на тему Субкультура

styleBright clothesbright hair jeansT-shirt gumshoesBackpackbracelets

Слайд 1My perfect subculture!
Amounted to:
Vasiliy Alekseyev.

My perfect subculture!Amounted to: Vasiliy Alekseyev.

Слайд 2style
Bright clothes
bright hair


styleBright clothesbright hair jeansT-shirt gumshoesBackpackbracelets

Слайд 3Teen communicative, ready to come to the aid of any bidet.

This teen doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, not using drugs. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Characteristic Of The Character

Teen communicative, ready to come to the aid of any bidet. This teen doesn't drink, doesn't smoke,

Слайд 4Music
They listen to rap music,
pop music, club music, classical music

MusicThey listen to rap music, pop music, club music, classical music

Слайд 5In this group there are girls, a boy of 15 to

20 years. They help elderly, help organize the children's happy holiday, entertain sick children engaged in charity. They help make the world a better place.
In this group there are girls, a boy of 15 to 20 years. They help elderly, help

Слайд 6I think that an ideal subculture should be no cruelty, violence,

rudeness, without drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.
I think that an ideal subculture should be no cruelty, violence, rudeness, without drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

Слайд 7Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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