Презентация, доклад на тему Строительные машины

Road construction machinesarticulated truckbackhoeBulldozercement mixerCompactorGraderLoaderScraperScreedSweepervibratory roller сочлененная тележка экскаватор Бульдозер бетономешалка Уплотнитель Грейдер Погрузчик Скребок Стяжка Уборщик вибрационный ролик

Слайд 1Road construction machines. That/those

Дорожно-строительные машины.
Многозначные слова that/those

Road construction machines. That/thoseДорожно-строительные машины.Многозначные слова that/those

Слайд 2Road construction machines

articulated truck
cement mixer
vibratory roller
сочлененная тележка экскаватор Бульдозер бетономешалка

Уплотнитель Грейдер Погрузчик Скребок Стяжка Уборщик вибрационный ролик
Road construction machinesarticulated truckbackhoeBulldozercement mixerCompactorGraderLoaderScraperScreedSweepervibratory roller сочлененная тележка экскаватор Бульдозер бетономешалка Уплотнитель Грейдер Погрузчик Скребок Стяжка Уборщик

Слайд 3Road construction machines
Excavator and Bulldozer,
Asphalt Paver, Grader, Sprayer
All these pieces of

Should we use in road repair,
In construction of the road
That is our future job!

Road construction machinesExcavator and Bulldozer,Asphalt Paver, Grader, SprayerAll these pieces of equipmentShould we use in road repair,In

Слайд 4Road construction machines
What are some machines used in road construction?
What is

used to clean up a road after construction?

Sweeper, paver, cement mixer, compactor, grader, backhoe

Road construction machinesWhat are some machines used in road construction?What is used to clean up a road

Слайд 5Machines. Reading

Machines. Reading

Слайд 6Vocabulary exercises

Using the website passage choose the correct answers:

Vocabulary exercisesUsing the website passage choose the correct answers:

Слайд 7Vocabulary exercises

Vocabulary exercises

Слайд 8Vocabulary exercises

Vocabulary exercises

Слайд 9Vocabulary exercises

Manager: Gary, let's go over the tasks for the week.

Okay, Ma'am. What are we going to do?
Manager: We'll mainly be leveling ground for a new lane on a road.
Employee: So we'll need the grader and bulldozer, then.
Manager: Yes. We'll probably want the backhoe, too.
Employee: No problem. It has a loader on its front end
too, right?
Manager: Yes. That‘ll save us having to bring another
Employee: Good idea. I'll go get the equipment ready.

Read the dialogue. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

A conversation between a construction manager and an employee.

Vocabulary exercisesManager: Gary, let's go over the tasks for the week.Employee: Okay, Ma'am. What are we going

Слайд 10Vocabulary exercises

Vocabulary exercises

Слайд 11Многозначные слова That/those

Указательное местоимение
Относительное местоимение

Многозначные слова That/thoseУказательное местоимение Слово-заместительСоюзОтносительное местоимение

Слайд 12Grammar exercises

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1) The disadvantage of the

device is that it is not easy to adjust. 2) The requirement is that the students should know the answers to those questions. 3) It is necessary that the substance should be heated. 4) That gases can be compressed is quite evident. 5) Everybody knows that two and two are four. 6) I shall explain the rule to you in order that you should know it. 7) Planes that cross the Atlantic are usually large. 8) We know that brakes are used for stopping the car. 9) Those cars are made so that they are comfortable. 10) The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move.
Grammar exercisesTranslate the following sentences into Russian.1) The disadvantage of the device is that it is not easy to

Слайд 13Grammar exercises

Put the words in the right order to make a


1) People, the petrol, the air, is poisoning, worry, that.
2) Of, those, one, was made, cars, in 2007.
3) Had, they, very, car, modern, for that, time.
4) Traffic in London, from that, of the Continent, differs.
5) I, that, knew, was, car, cheap.

Grammar exercisesPut the words in the right order to make a sentence.1) People, the petrol, the air,

Слайд 14Homework

Выучить лексику урока :
articulated truck, backhoe, bulldozer, cement mixer, compactor, grader,

loader, scraper, screed, sweeper, vibratory roller
HomeworkВыучить лексику урока :articulated truck, backhoe, bulldozer, cement mixer, compactor, grader, loader, scraper, screed, sweeper, vibratory roller

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