Презентация, доклад на тему Спорт

Larisa LatyninaLarisa Latynina is still considered to be the strongest Olympian of the XX century, as at the Olympic games, she won

Слайд 1 great gymnast

great gymnast

Слайд 3

Larisa Latynina

Larisa Latynina is still considered to be the strongest Olympian of the XX century, as at the Olympic games, she won a record number of medals. Latynina was born (nee of Deri) in Ukraine, in Kherson, in 1934, 27 Dec. As a child, Larissa was engaged in dances, then became interested in gymnast. At age 16 she met the standards and received the title of master of sports. The girl is well studied, after high school, she was awarded a gold medal.

Larisa LatyninaLarisa Latynina

Слайд 5And the first athletic gold medal she received at the world

Cup in 1954. In 1956 and 1960 Latynina becomes the absolute Olympic champion. Received athlete medals in various disciplines and at the Innsbruck Olympics, held in 1964.

And the first athletic gold medal she received at the world Cup in 1954. In 1956 and

Слайд 7The famous Russian athletes, including Larisa Latynina, successfully participated in European

and world Championships. The great gymnast – multiple winner of competitions of this kind, has the title of honored master of sports. In 1957, the world Cup, rose to the top step of the podium on the results of all the gymnastic disciplines. She has 4 bronze, 5 silver and nine
The famous Russian athletes, including Larisa Latynina, successfully participated in European and world Championships. The great gymnast

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