Презентация, доклад на тему Проектная работа ученицы 10 класса Емшановой Зои 2016 г- УМК Кауфман - Friend for life

Meet my friend Valera. Valera is 17 year old.He is smart, honest, easygoing and helpful!He does well in his studies. He always tells the truth and always in a good mood. Valera is good at sport

Слайд 1My friend!

My friend!

Слайд 2Meet my friend Valera.
Valera is 17 year old.
He is smart,

honest, easygoing and helpful!
He does well in his studies. He always tells the truth and always in a good mood.
Valera is good at sport and computer games.
Valera is fond of photography.

Meet my friend Valera. Valera is 17 year old.He is smart, honest, easygoing and helpful!He does well

Слайд 4We have been friends since I met his when I was

going to college.
We clicked from the very beginning.
We have been friends since I met his when I was going to college. We clicked from

Слайд 5Two months ago, we had an adventure. It was cold and

there was a rain. We missed the bus, and we had to walk a very long time. All our clothes got wet. He could go with his parents, but decided to walk with me.
I was glad because I didn’t feel disappointed of my friend.
Two months ago, we had an adventure. It was cold and there was a rain. We missed

Слайд 6This adventure showed that I could rely on Valera when I

have problems. He stays loyal to our friendship.
This adventure showed that I could rely on Valera when I have problems. He stays loyal to

Слайд 7I think people should have some friends.
If they make friends they

will never feel lonely.
I think people should have some friends.If they make friends they will never feel lonely.

Слайд 8Thank you!

Thank you!

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