Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Русские, Британцы, Американцы


Слайд 1Russians, the British, Americans. What are they?
Презентация по теме «Культурные и

национальные традиции»
Преподаватель: Фогель О.С.
Russians, the British, Americans. What are they?Презентация по теме «Культурные и национальные традиции» Преподаватель: Фогель О.С.

The British






Слайд 5What animals (images) do people usually associate Russians, the British, and

Americans with?
What animals (images) do people usually associate Russians, the British, and Americans with?

Слайд 6a bear, a lion and an eagle

a bear, a lion and an eagle

Слайд 7INSERT (прием маркировки текста «вставки»)

INSERT  (прием маркировки текста «вставки»)

Слайд 8Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 9Russians


Слайд 10Americans


Слайд 111. Americans don’t love changes. 2.  The Englishman prefers to have his

own house rather than an apartment in a block of flats. 3. Many Englishmen help their wives at home: they clean the windows, wash up the dishes and cook supper. 4. The Englishman prizes privacy, the American prefers sociability. 5. Russians are neither reticent nor reserved. 6. The Americans have no hedges or fences round their houses. 7. We can’t say that the Russians like having parties and receiving guests. 8. The English prefer tea with lemon. 9. The English are stay-at-home people. 10. Americans don’t like boasting. 11. The Englishman thinks it is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.               12. The British don’t like to show their emotions and feelings.

True and False statements

1. Americans don’t love changes.  2.  The Englishman prefers to have his own house rather than

Слайд 151. What do you think about the three national characters? Are

we alike? 2. Do we like the same things? 3. Do we have similar national identity? 4. What is your own attitude towards the British and Americans? 5. What features of their characters do you like? WHY? 6. What traits of the Russian national character would you like to change and why?

HOMEWORK: Answer the questions in written form

1. What do you think about the three national characters? Are we alike?   2. Do

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