Презентация, доклад Башня Елизаветы (работа учащихся)

The UK capital is very rich variety of attractions and places to visit. This is not surprising, because the country has a long and rich history. But still at school we were taught that the symbol



Слайд 2The UK capital is very rich variety of attractions and places

to visit. This is not surprising, because the country has a long and rich history. But still at school we were taught that the symbol for the people of the country of England - Westminster Abbey, Big - Ben and the Houses of Parliament.
The UK capital is very rich variety of attractions and places to visit. This is not surprising,

Слайд 3In the same architectural plan for the tourists most memorable looks

clock tower Big - Ben, located in close proximity to the river Thames, in the most important area of London.
In the same architectural plan for the tourists most memorable looks clock tower Big - Ben, located

Слайд 4Big - Ben - is the name of the tower and

not even watch her. Initially, the name given to the bell at these hours. And already then this name extended the clock and the tower itself. At the base of each of the four dials hours is a Latin inscription «Domine Salvam fac Reginam nostram Victoriam primam» («God save our Queen Victoria I»).

Big - Ben - is the name of the tower and not even watch her. Initially, the

Слайд 5Along the perimeter of the tower on the right and left

of the clock, there is another phrase in Latin - «Laus Deo» («Glory to God" or "Praise the Lord").
In Big Ben was a prison, which was placed over the raving parliamentarians. The last prisoner here was a fighter for women's rights Emmeline Pankhurst. Now, next to the Parliament worth its monument.

Along the perimeter of the tower on the right and left of the clock, there is another

Слайд 6In honor of the opening of the XXX Olympic Games in

London Big Ben clock struck 40 times with 8.12 to 8.15 on the first day of the Olympic Games. For the first time since 1952 chimes worked out schedules.
In honor of the opening of the XXX Olympic Games in London Big Ben clock struck 40

Слайд 7Chapel tower has a height of 61 meters and is considered

one of the tallest buildings in London. It was built more 1858, and launched a mechanism in 1859, May 21. The clock is set at a height of 55 meters above the ground.
Chapel tower has a height of 61 meters and is considered one of the tallest buildings in

Слайд 8In addition to the stunning size Big - Ben also considered

the most accurate clock in the world. At the same time, twice a day read at the Greenwich Observatory. Dial Big - Ben in diameter is seven meters, the length of the arrows 4.2 and 2.7 meters respectively. These watches are considered to be the largest in the world.
In addition to the stunning size Big - Ben also considered the most accurate clock in the

Слайд 9Five bells, located on the clock tower, every fifteen minutes call.

The loudest sound just at Big Ben, and you can hear it every hour. Bell weight is 13.8 tons, but it is not the worst in the world (occupies the third place).
Five bells, located on the clock tower, every fifteen minutes call. The loudest sound just at Big

Слайд 10Wednesday evening, September 12, at the base of the tower, a

solemn ceremony, now building called the "Tower of Elizabeth." Sign with the new name of the tower presented the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow. Make a gift to the Queen - in honor of the Diamond Jubilee - it was decided at a special session of parliament a few months ago.
Wednesday evening, September 12, at the base of the tower, a solemn ceremony, now building called the

Слайд 11
Since the time of William the Conqueror,

only two members of the royal family ruled the country 60 years - Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. Voted to rename more than half of the members of the House of Commons and the leaders of the three main parliamentary factions. Thus, from September 12, 2012 British tower, known worldwide as Big Ben, became officially known as the Tower of Elizabeth.

Since the time of William the Conqueror, only two members of the royal

Слайд 12Each year, take a look at this unique symbol of England

comes millions of tourists. From time to time access to the tower is closed due to fears of local authorities about possible terrorist attacks inside the main attractions of the country. But, if you go at a time when there is a large influx of tourists, it may be lucky enough to get into the building.
Each year, take a look at this unique symbol of England comes millions of tourists. From time

Слайд 14Источники информации:

Источники информации:http://art.mirtesen.ru/blog/43309325306/Bashnya-Elizavetyi-Big-Ben.-Velikobritaniya...?from=mail&l=bnq_bn&bp_id_click=43309325

Слайд 15Автор:
Учащийся 10 «Б» класса
МАОУ лицей №1
2014-2015 учебный год

Автор:Учащийся 10 «Б» классаМАОУ лицей №1КОЧЕТКОВ ВЛАДИМИР2014-2015 учебный год

Слайд 19http://art.mirtesen.ru/blog/43309325306/Bashnya-Elizavetyi-Big-Ben.-Velikobritaniya...?from=mail&l=bnq_bn&bp_id_click=43309325


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