Презентация, доклад на тему Проектная работа на тему Путеводитель по Лондону

Problem:Me and my classmates have a dream – to go to London, to see its attractions and visit museums, palaces and parks. How can we make our dream come true?

Слайд 1 Kremnev Sasha 3 «B»
London Travel guide

School 1623
Yarotskaya O.I.

Kremnev Sasha 3 «B»   London Travel guide School 1623  TeacherYarotskaya O.I.Moscow2018

Слайд 2Problem:
Me and my classmates have a dream – to go to

London, to see its attractions and visit museums, palaces and parks. How can we make our dream come true?
Problem:Me and my classmates have a dream – to go to London, to see its attractions and

Слайд 3AIm:
To learn and analyse the information about sights in London and

to create a tourist guide for my classmates on the basis of obtained information.
AIm:To learn and analyse the information about sights in London and to create a tourist guide for

Слайд 4Tasks:
To find and choose the necessary information.
To summarize the material.
To translate

the texts from Russian to English.
To find necessary illustrations.
To create “London travel guide” ( as a presentation ).

Tasks:To find and choose the necessary information.To summarize the material.To translate the texts from Russian to English.To

Слайд 5Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest

in London. Every year many people visit the capital of Great Britain to see it and take some photos.
Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London. Every year many people

Слайд 6The Tower of London is one of the most famous and

most interesting places in the city. The Tower was once a palace, a fortress, a prison and even a Zoo. Today it is known as a historical museum.
The Tower of London is one of the most famous and most interesting places in the city.

Слайд 7Trafalgar Square is the centre of London and the best starting

point for a tour of the capital.

There is the monument in the centre, known as Nelson’s Column.
The figure of the great seaman is on the top.

Trafalgar Square is the centre of London and the best starting point for a tour of the

Слайд 8The National Gallery is situated in the north side of Trafalgar

Square. It is a great art museum which includes many national collections of European paintings.
The National Gallery is situated in the north side of Trafalgar Square. It is a great art

Слайд 9Tower Bridge is a bridge in London. It crosses the River

Thames near the Tower of London. Many tourists go to London to see the Tower Bridge.
Tower Bridge is a bridge in London. It crosses the River Thames near the Tower of London.

Слайд 10St. Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican church in Central London. It

was started in 604. In 962 and 1087 the cathedral burnt down and was built again.
St. Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican church in Central London. It was started in 604. In 962

Слайд 11
The London Eye is the biggest wheel in Britain. It

is also called the Millennium Wheel. The London Eye is situated on the south bank of the river Thames. It is the tallest observation wheel.

It has 32 cabins for 25 people each. The London Eye is very popular with tourists because there is a wonderful view from it.

The London Eye is the biggest wheel in Britain. It is also called the Millennium Wheel.

Слайд 12The British museum was created in 1753. It contains one of

the richest collections of antiquities in the world. There is also a huge library.
The British museum was created in 1753. It contains one of the richest collections of antiquities in

Слайд 13Buckingham Palace is one of the most exciting places in London.

Tourists like visiting it very much. The palace is very old. It was built in 1705. Now it is the official residence of British monarchy.
Buckingham Palace is one of the most exciting places in London. Tourists like visiting it very much.

Слайд 14Oxford Street is a great place for shopping! It is the

most famous street in the city. There are a lot of shops and shopping centers. And there are always a lot of sales.
Oxford Street is a great place for shopping! It is the most famous street in the city.

Слайд 15Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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