Презентация, доклад внеклассного мероприятия на тему Путешествие по местам великого поэта и писателя В.Шекспира

Quotations from Shakespeare 1.Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (Twelfth Night)2.Brevity is the soul of wit (Hamlet)3.Cowards die many times before their deaths (Julius Caesar)4.The fool thinks he is wise, but the wise man

Слайд 1МКОУ «Горшеченская средняя общеобразовательная школа

имени Н.И. Жиронкина»

Презентация на тему: «William Shakespeare (23d of April 1564 – 23d of April 1616)»

МКОУ «Горшеченская средняя общеобразовательная школа

Слайд 15Quotations from Shakespeare
1.Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (Twelfth

2.Brevity is the soul of wit (Hamlet)
3.Cowards die many times before their deaths (Julius Caesar)
4.The fool thinks he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.(As you like it)
5.There is no darkness but ignorance ( Twelfth Night)
Quotations from Shakespeare 1.Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (Twelfth Night)2.Brevity is the soul of

Слайд 16

6.The weakest goes to the wall (Romeo and Juliet)
7.The wish is

father to the thought (King Henry IV)
8.To be or not to be? That is the question(Hamlet)
9.Wake not a sleeping wolf (King Henry IV)
10.We know what we are, but we know not what we may be (Hamlet)
6.The weakest goes to the wall (Romeo and Juliet)7.The wish is father to the thought (King Henry

Слайд 17Sonnet 33
Full many a glorious morning have I seen
Flatter the mountain

tops with sovereign eye. Kissing with golden face the meadows green , Golding pale streams with heavenly alchemy, Anon permit the basist clouds to ride with unqly rack on his celestial face, And from the forlorn world his visage hide,
Stealing unseen to west with his disgrace,

Sonnet 33Full many a glorious morning have I seenFlatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye. Kissing with

Слайд 18Even so my sun one early morn did shine
With all triumphant

splendor on my brow
But, out, alack! He was but one hour mine.
The region cloud hath mask’d him from me now
Yet him for this my love no whit disdaineth
Suns of the world may stain when heaven’s sun staineth

Even so my sun one early morn did shineWith all triumphant splendor on my browBut, out, alack!

Слайд 19Я наблюдал, как солнечный восход
Ласкает горы взором благосклонным,
Потом улыбку шлет

лучам зеленым
И золотит поверхность бледных вод
Но часто позволяет небосвод
Слоняться тучам перед светлым троном
Они ползут над миром омраченным,
Лишая землю царственных щедрот

Я наблюдал, как солнечный восход Ласкает горы взором благосклонным,Потом улыбку шлет лучам зеленымИ золотит поверхность бледных вод Но

Слайд 20Так солнышко мое взошло на час
Меня дарами щедро осыпая

туча хмурая, слепая
И нежный свет любви моей угас.
Но не ропщу я на печальный жребий
Бывает тучи на земле, как в небе
(перевод С.Я.Маршака)

Так солнышко мое взошло на час Меня дарами щедро осыпая Подкралась туча хмурая, слепаяИ нежный свет любви

Слайд 21

John Milton
On Shakespeare
What needs my Shakespear for his honour’d Bones,
The labour of an age in piled Stones
Or that his hallow’d reliques should be hid
Under a Stary pointing Pyramid?
Dear son of memory, great heir of Fame,
What needs thou such weak withes of thy name?
Thou in our wonder and astonishment
For whilst, to th ‘shame of slow-endeavouring art,
Thy easy numbers flow, and that each heart
Hath from the leaves, of thy unvalued book.
Those Delphic lines with deep impression took
Then thou, our fancy of itself bereaving,
Dost make us marble with too much conceiving,
And so sepulchred in such pomp dost lie
That king for such a tomb would wish to die

John Milton

Слайд 22Джон Мильтон О Шекспире Нуждается ль, покинув этот мир В труде каменотесов мой Шекспир, Чтоб

в пирамиде, к звездам обращенной. Таился прах, веками освященный Наследник славы, для грядущих дней Не просишь ты свидетельства камней Ты памятник у каждого из нас Воздвиг в душе, которую потряс. К позору нерадивого искусства Твои стихи текут, волнуя чувства И в памяти у нас из книг твоих Оттиснут навсегда дельфийский стих Воображенье наше до конца Пленив и в мрамор превратив сердца, Ты в них покоишься. Все короли. Такую честь бы жизни предпочли (перевод С.Я.Маршака)
Джон Мильтон О Шекспире Нуждается ль, покинув этот мир В труде каменотесов мой Шекспир, Чтоб в пирамиде,

Слайд 23QUIZ
Do you Know Shakespeare?
What girl falls in love with a man

before she sees his face or knows his name?
Who looks at his hands and says ‘’This is a sorry sight?’’
What character says he may turn pale with anger, sickness, or hunger but not with love?
Who calls his own murder ‘’foul and most unnatural?’’
Who says as he dies : I kiss’d thee ere I Kill ‘d thee: no way but this, killing myself, to die upon a kiss?
In which play do three males wear feminine clothes?
In which play do three females dress as males?
What character is willing to buy, sell talk and walk with his enemies, but not eat, drink nor pray with them
Whose last words are: Thus with a kiss I die?
Who says, ‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is To have a thankless child!?
What girl tells a young man when he first kisses her that he kisses ‘by the book’?
Which father has three daughters?
Who is the villain whom everyone trusts and no one suspects until the end?
What is it a philosopher cannot endure patiently?
Who shortly before he dies says he has a joyful heart because he never, in all his life, found a man false to him?
Who ‘loved not wisely but too well?
Who in speaking of his wife says, ‘She is my goods, my chattels, my field, my barn. My horse, my ox, my ass, my any thing?
QUIZDo you Know Shakespeare?What girl falls in love with a man before she sees his face or

Слайд 24Thank you for attention!

Thank you  for attention!

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