Презентация, доклад урока на тему Education

1.Read and translate this phrase.2.Read the same phrase using these adjectives.3. … Intelligent , … educated «The more you study,The more educated you become».«The more you study, The more intelligent you become».

Слайд 1

Слайд 21.Read and translate this phrase.
2.Read the same phrase using these adjectives.

… Intelligent , … educated

«The more you study,
The more educated you become».

«The more you study,
The more intelligent you become».

1.Read and translate this phrase.2.Read the same phrase using these adjectives.3. … Intelligent , … educated «The

Слайд 3Look at these phrases and answer my questions
To become an educated

person we must….
read a lot.
be good at Maths.
learn different foreign languages.
get a good knowledge of Biology.
be keen on IT.
be interested in History and Literature.
use the Net to get more information
Look at these phrases and answer my questionsTo become an educated person we must….read a lot.be good

Слайд 4We can do them at our school

because our school is comfortable

and spacious.
It has highly qualified and creative teachers who can always help you.
There are sports facilities which keep us strong and healthy.
A good canteen with plenty of nice food is good for us too.
Drama, music and art societies occupy our spare time.
Up-to-date information technology and computer laboratories develop our mental abilities.
Relations with other schools including schools abroad develop our horizons.
We can do them at our schoolbecause our school is comfortable and spacious. It has highly qualified

Слайд 5How big is your school building ?
Does it look attractive?

is the school situated?
Is it a state or an independent school?
Does your school specialize in a certain subject or subjects?
Does your school select prospective pupils or does it take any children?
What is there on the first floor in your school?
What about the second floor?
How is your school day organized ?
What after school activities do you have?
How big is your school building ? Does it look attractive?Where is the school situated?Is it a

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