Презентация, доклад Travelling Around Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public place and a tourist attraction in central London. It has been a central meeting place since the Middle Ages.

Слайд 1 Made by
Mary Kachula
Form 7

Tutor I. N. Rudina

Travelling Around
Trafalgar Square

Sherovichi 2016


Made byMary Kachula    Form 7 Tutor I. N. Rudina

Слайд 2Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public place

and a tourist attraction in central London. It has been a central meeting place since the Middle Ages.
Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public place and a tourist attraction in central

Слайд 3Trafalgar Square has not always been the center of London, before

the beginning of the XIX century there were the royal stables in this place. King Edward I decided to break the stables and build a square, which first called his name.

The history of Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square has not always been the center of London, before the beginning of the XIX century

Слайд 4In the center of the square you can see a monument

to a legendary admiral – Nelson’s Column, topped by a five-meter figure of Horatio Nelson. The 44-meter column, made of dark grey granite by the sculptor William Railton, was installed in 1842.

Nelson's Column

In the center of the square you can see a monument to a legendary admiral – Nelson’s

Слайд 5Four six-meter bronze lions at the bottom of the column, symbolizes

the victory of the British fleet commanded by Nelson over French fleet. The height of each lion reaches 6.5 meters.


Four six-meter bronze lions at the bottom of the column, symbolizes the victory of the British fleet

Слайд 6The column is decorated with reliefs with scenes of battle of

Cape St. Vincent (1797) and the Nile (1798), of the Battle of Copenhagen (1801) and Trafalgar Battle (1805). These bas-reliefs were made of metal obtained by melting the guns from the fallen ships.
The column is decorated with reliefs with scenes of battle of Cape St. Vincent (1797) and the

Слайд 7Charles I Monument
In the southern part of the square you can

see a bronze monument to Charles I, sitting on his horse. The Monument to Charles I is the starting point of all distances of London, it is located at the central point of London.
Charles I MonumentIn the southern part of the square you can see a bronze monument to Charles

Слайд 8The National Art Gallery is also situated on Trafalgar Square. It

is one of the best picture galleries in the world. It houses a wonderful collection of paintings of both British and Old Masters.

The National Art Gallery

The National Art Gallery is also situated on Trafalgar Square. It is one of the best picture

Слайд 9Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
In the northeast corner of Trafalgar Square, opposite

the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery stands the Church of St Martin in the Fields. Its strange name is not an accident: before the construction of Trafalgar Square the Church, indeed, was surrounded by fields.
Church of St. Martin-in-the-FieldsIn the northeast corner of Trafalgar Square, opposite the National Gallery and the National

Слайд 10Concerts of classical music are often arranged here. The Royal family

and all those living in Buckingham Palace are among its parishioners.
Concerts of classical music are often arranged here. The Royal family and all those living in Buckingham

Слайд 11There are two beautiful fountains in Trafalgar Square. They are in

front of the National Gallery.
There are two beautiful fountains in Trafalgar Square. They are in front of the National Gallery.

Слайд 12The new lighting has been designed with the London 2012 Summer

Olympics Games in mind. They project many different combinations of colours on to the fountains.
The new lighting has been designed with the London 2012 Summer Olympics Games in mind. They project

Слайд 13Each year in December, the King of Norway sends a gift

of a huge Christmas tree to Britain, which is erected in Trafalgar Square. This is in thanks for Britain's part in their liberation during WW II.
Each year in December, the King of Norway sends a gift of a huge Christmas tree to

Слайд 14A gathering of Carol Singers in front of the Christmas Tree

in Trafalgar Square

One of the unforgettable sights of London is the giant tree after dark, when it is lit by hundreds of twinkling fairy lights. Carol singers group around, while floodlights illuminate the sparkling water in the fountains
of the square.

A gathering of Carol Singers in front of the Christmas Tree in Trafalgar SquareOne of the unforgettable

Слайд 15Hundreds of Londoners and tourists see the New Year on Trafalgar

Square at the chime of Big Ben.
Hundreds of Londoners and tourists see the New Year on Trafalgar Square at the chime of Big

Слайд 16Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow

Слайд 17Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Слайд 18Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Слайд 19James Bond
on Trafalgar Square

James Bondon Trafalgar Square



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