Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Типы домов в Великобритании (6 класс)

A detached house

Слайд 1Types of houses in Great Britain

Types of houses  in Great Britain

Слайд 2A detached house

A detached house

Слайд 3It doesn’t share a wall with any other house. There is usually

a nice garden. One family lives in the garden. It is often situated far from the town centre.
It doesn’t share a wall with any other house. There is usually a nice garden. One family

Слайд 4A semi-detached house

A semi-detached house

Слайд 5A pair of houses which are share a wall. There is

usually a small garden with flowers for each house. Two families live in the houses. They are often situated nearer the town centre.
A pair of houses which are share a wall. There is usually a small garden with flowers

Слайд 6A terraced house

A terraced house

Слайд 7Many houses share side walls. They can be two-storey houses with

one or two bedrooms. They can be large houses with three to five floors. Many families live in the houses. They are often situated in town centres.
Many houses share side walls. They can be two-storey houses with one or two bedrooms. They can

Слайд 8A block of flats

A block of flats

Слайд 10A tall building, possibly with a lift. Many families live in

the building. It is situated in the town. Usually there isn’t any garden.
A tall building, possibly with a lift. Many families live in the building. It is situated in

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