Презентация, доклад Субкультуры как стиль жизни

Цели урока:формирование знаний о молодежных субкультурах;развитие коммуникативных и познавательных умений на основе изучения темы «Молодежные субкультуры»

Слайд 1


Слайд 2



формирование знаний о молодежных субкультурах;

развитие коммуникативных и познавательных умений на основе изучения темы «Молодежные субкультуры»

Цели урока:формирование знаний о молодежных субкультурах;развитие коммуникативных

Слайд 3


is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion and favourite music.

Subculture is a group with a distinct

Слайд 4How do teens express their individuality?

How do teens express their individuality?

Слайд 5How do teens express their individuality?
Young people have a particular

relationship with the world. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality.













How do teens express their individuality? Young people have a particular relationship with the world. A particular

Слайд 6
Phonetic Drill
Identity – личность
Violent – насильственный
Relationship – взаимоотношение
Generation - поколение

rebel - протестовать
to try out all sorts of options– пробовать все варианты
to conform to - подчиняться
Phonetic DrillIdentity – личностьViolent – насильственныйRelationship – взаимоотношениеGeneration - поколениеto rebel - протестоватьto try out all

Слайд 7
Phonetic Drill
to reject – отвергать
to express one’s individuality – выражать свою

to differ from social norms – отличаться от социальных норм
to have their own values and beliefs-иметь собственные убеждения и ценности
distinct features- отличительные черты

Phonetic Drillto reject – отвергатьto express one’s individuality – выражать свою индивидуальностьto differ from social norms –

Слайд 8
…..are young people who dress in a shocking way to express

their identity. They have brightly coloured hair and wear metal chains. Their music is aggressive. They reject everything.
…..are young people who dress in a shocking way to express their identity. They have brightly coloured

Слайд 9
….. wear the blackest black clothes, with a lot of silvery

jewellery and have very black hair and look as thin and pale as possible. They read Bram Stocker and talk about being vampires, and about the end of the world.

….. wear the blackest black clothes, with a lot of silvery jewellery and have very black hair

Слайд 10

…cut their hair shorter than others do. Most wear tight trousers

and heavy boots and are usually regarded as violent and aggressive.
…cut their hair shorter than others do. Most wear tight trousers and heavy boots and are usually

Слайд 11

…. occurs from the English word "emotion" and it is translated

as emotional.
…. occurs from the English word

Слайд 12Some classify these people like drug users and rock and roll

fans. They don't conform to society's standards and support a liberal attitude and lifestyle. They always want to change the world for the best.
Some classify these people like drug users and rock and roll fans. They don't conform to society's standards

Слайд 13….. are persons who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorised

vehicles and who identify themselves with a special subculture. They usually wear leather jackets and army boots.
….. are persons who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorised vehicles and who identify themselves with a

Слайд 14 All persons who listen to rap (or read it).

often wear caps, T-shirts and baggy trousers

All persons who listen to rap (or read it). They often wear caps, T-shirts and baggy

Слайд 15 They are the 'wizards' of the computer community; people with

a deep understanding of how their computers work, and can do things with them that seem 'magical' to express themselves.
They are the 'wizards' of the computer community; people with a deep understanding of how their

Слайд 16
These are the folks who use computer-made, synthesized music, and

drugs to create massive all-night dance parties. They want to try out all sort of options.
These are the folks who use computer-made, synthesized music, and drugs to create massive all-night dance

Слайд 17different subcultures
different music

different subcultures different music

Слайд 18TECHNO
Music style is characterized
by futuristic
machine made sound
Type of loud

and violent rock
music popular since the late
1970s and associated with protest
against conventional attitudes.

Usually simple form
of rock music. The music is
based on electric guitar
and drums.

Music, having intensely vivid sounds
like those experienced while
hallucinating, usually involves
advanced electronic equipment

Music style appeared in black disco
clubs in New York. Short musical
phrases and torn rhythm.

TECHNOMusic style is characterized by futuristic machine made soundPUNKType of loud and violent rockmusic popular since the

Слайд 19


Слайд 20
Fill in the blanks with the correct words
1. A

_______ is a group of people with the same interests, the same style and they like the same music.
2. Teenagers try _______ their own _______, but they _______ everything and even _______ against the society.
3. Young _______ is often considered to be _______.
4. One of the main problems among teens is the poor _______ with their parents.

reject, relationship, subculture, violent,
to express individuality, rebel, generation

Fill in the blanks with the correct words 1. A _______ is a group of people

Слайд 21
Fill in the blanks with the correct words
1. A

subculture is a group of people with the same interests, the same style and they like the same music.
2. Teenagers try to express their own individuality, but they reject everything and even rebel against the society.
3. Young generation is often considered to be violent.
4. One of the main problems among teens is the poor relationship with their parents.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words 1. A subculture is a group of people

Слайд 22
Home Assignment
Prepare the presentation about one of the subcultures.

information can be taken from the text book or from any other source.

Make up the plan: 1.image, 2. music, 3. values.

Home AssignmentPrepare the presentation about one of the subcultures. The information can be taken from the

Слайд 23Thank you!

Thank you!

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