Презентация, доклад Поле чудес по английскому языку

1 TOURWhere do the children find their presents in the Christmas morning?

Слайд 1 Field of Wonder

Field of Wonder

Слайд 21 TOUR
Where do the children find their presents in the Christmas

1 TOURWhere do the children find their presents in the Christmas morning?

Слайд 32 TOUR
What is hanged on the doors of the houses in

the English- speaking countries before Christmas?
2 TOURWhat is hanged on the doors of the houses in the English- speaking countries before Christmas?

Слайд 43 TOUR
What country sends annually a big Christmas tree to the

English people to put it up on Trafalgar Square in London?
3 TOURWhat country sends annually a big Christmas tree to the English people to put it up

Слайд 5FINAL
What do the English children hang on the Christmas trees?

FINALWhat do the English children hang on the Christmas trees?

What do Santa Clause get into the house through?

SUPER GAMEWhat do Santa Clause get into the house through?

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