Презентация, доклад по темеДревние цивилизации - Ancient China

Ancient China – one of the oldest countries in the world, appeared in IV-III century BC.

Слайд 1Ancient China

By Zhanna Popova
Ancient China

Слайд 2Ancient China – one of the oldest countries in the world,

appeared in IV-III century BC.
Ancient China –  one of the oldest countries in the world, appeared in IV-III century BC.

Слайд 3From China we have a paper, paper money, silk, compass, tea,

porcelain, ink
From China we have  a paper, paper money, silk, compass, tea, porcelain, ink

Слайд 4Art of Ancient China
Art of Ancient China, in short, was formed

approximately in the II millennium BC. His heyday it reached during the time of the union of two great dynasties - Qin and Han. One of the features of Chinese culture has been its continuous development while preserving the ancient traditions.

Art of Ancient ChinaArt of Ancient China, in short, was formed approximately in the II millennium BC.

Слайд 5
Paintings of Ancient China

Architecture of Ancient China

Paintings of Ancient ChinaArchitecture of Ancient China

Слайд 6 Of the three art forms - poetry, dance and music, the

Chinese are the most sincere music genre is considered.
Of the three art forms - poetry, dance and music, the Chinese are the most sincere

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