Презентация, доклад по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 классов

1. Edison loved Shakespeare's plays and wanted to become an actor. But because of his shyness before the audience and the high timbre of voice, he still in his childhood abandoned this idea. Edison also liked

Слайд 1Interesting facts about Thomas Edison
Выполнила : Молчанова Наталья Геннадьевна
Учитель иностранного (английского)

МБОУ СОШ п.г.т. Ерофей Павлович
Амурская область, Сковородинский район,
п.г.т. Ерофей Павлович
2020 год
Interesting facts about Thomas EdisonВыполнила : Молчанова Наталья ГеннадьевнаУчитель иностранного (английского) языкаМБОУ СОШ п.г.т. Ерофей ПавловичАмурская область,

Слайд 21. Edison loved Shakespeare's plays and wanted to become an actor.

But because of his shyness before the audience and the high timbre of voice, he still in his childhood abandoned this idea. Edison also liked to read and write poems.
1. Edison loved Shakespeare's plays and wanted to become an actor. But because of his shyness before

Слайд 32. In his youth, Edison worked as a telegraph operator. According

to Thomas himself, it was this work that became his inspiration for the creation of his many inventions in the field of telecommunications.
2. In his youth, Edison worked as a telegraph operator. According to Thomas himself, it was this

Слайд 43. In 1876 he created the first laboratory in Menlo Park,

California. It was the world's first industrial research laboratory.
3. In 1876 he created the first laboratory in Menlo Park, California. It was the world's first

Слайд 5
4. The most failed project (financially) by Edison

was the experiments with the invention of a method for separating ore from rock mass. The inventor spent millions of dollars on this.

5.Tens of thousands of experiments conducted eminent inventor recorded in about 2500 books.

6.Thomas Edison was almost completely deaf. Ear infection in the early years of his life caused the inventor to have a serious illness.

4. The most failed project (financially) by Edison was the experiments with the invention

Слайд 67.The cost of all his companies at the time was estimated

at $ 15 billion. The company "General Electric" created by him is today one of the largest companies in the world.
7.The cost of all his companies at the time was estimated at $ 15 billion. The company

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