The poor people stood up and the rich people sat on the wooden seats that formed the large round theatre.
Unlike today, the audience were never quiet – they shouted, booed and cheered all the way.
There were no lights, so plays were performed in daytime only, normally just after lunch.
Girls were not allowed to act on stage, so even the female roles were played by boys in dresses.
Actors wore the clothes of the day, with wigs and make up.
Plays had exciting special effects. There were ghosts, witches, loud bangs, flames and smoke, drums, and even cannons.
In 1613, during Shakespeare's play Henry VIII, a cannon set fire to the straw in the roof. The Globe burned down.
1.All people could sit at the theatre.
2. Women played female roles.
3. People were very quiet, they were not allowed to shout and talk during the plays.
4. The plays were only in the afternoon.
5. There were exciting special effects.
6. There wasn’t any make up at that time.
What Shakespeare’s plays do you know?
Look at the names of some famous plays and give Russian equivalents.
Whose opinions are these? Andy’s, Sarah’s or Mike’s?
The stories are fantastic.
Shakespeare is too difficult.
Shakespeare’s plays should be seen at the theatre.
Shakespeare is old-fashioned.
The characters in the plays are interesting.
Shakespeare writes about important things.
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