Презентация, доклад по теме Любимый вид спорта.


Слайд 1

My favourite sport is …

My  favourite   sport  is …

Слайд 2



Слайд 3

There are a lot of different sports that are very popular

in Russia.

More than 30 million people go to sports centers.

Football is the most popular game in the world,
and it has many fans in our country.

Nearly 5 million people go in for it.

There are a lot of different sports that are very popular in Russia. More than 30 million

Слайд 4

It is the game that is played in all countries.


team is composed of 11 players: a goalkeeper, backs,
half-backs and forwards.

The captain of the team is usually the oldest or the best player.
It is the game that is played in all countries. A team is composed of 11 players:

Слайд 5

In the middle of the field there is a circle and

there is a goal at each end.

A game of football usually lasts for one and a half hours. At half-time, the teams change. The aim of each team is to score as many goals as possible.

The final of the football competition in Britain takes place at the famous Wembley stadium in London.

Some of the best known clubs in England are Manchester United, Liverpool and the Arsenal. In Scotland they are Rangers, Celtic or Aberdeen usually win the cup or the championship.
In the middle of the field there is a circle and there is a goal at each

Слайд 6

I like football because It is good for my health and

Football also helps me to relax after my day.
I like football because It is good for my health and body. Football also helps me to

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