Презентация, доклад по английскому языку:Взгляд детей на проблемы изучения иностранного языка 11 класс

“ Language is the jewel in the crown of cognition”Civilization’s accumulated knowlagelanguagePerson to personGeneration to generation

Слайд 1The view from bellow. Children’s view on language learning.
Gokolenko I.


School №7 (11А) Teacher: Guseva A.B.

The view from bellow. Children’s view on language learning. Gokolenko I. Erdniev A.  School №7 (11А)

Слайд 2“ Language is the jewel in the crown of cognition”
Civilization’s accumulated



Person to person

Generation to generation

“ Language is the jewel in the crown of cognition”Civilization’s accumulated knowlagelanguagePerson to personGeneration to generation

Слайд 4language acquisition by a child.

language acquisition by a child. ReserchersTeachersChildren

Слайд 5We will consider:
1. Inborn universal grammar
2. Children’s rapidly different understanding of

the world
3. Children’s opinions on the problem of language learning.
We will consider:1. Inborn universal grammar2. Children’s rapidly different understanding of the world 3. Children’s opinions on

Слайд 7Preschoolers have an astonishing capacity to soak up new words and

combine them in grammatically sensible sentences
Preschoolers have an astonishing capacity to soak up new words and combine them in grammatically sensible sentences

Слайд 8“With filing a bottle with water or a flower growing on

its own way”
“With filing a bottle with water or a flower growing on its own way”

Слайд 9Children have a readiness to learn language. Ten years after coming

to the United States, Asian immigrants took a grammar test. Those who arrived at or before age 5 understood grammar as well as native speakers. Those who arrived later did not. (From Johnson & Newport, 1989.)
Children have a readiness to learn language. Ten years after coming to the United States, Asian immigrants

Слайд 10“ Who knows the thoughts of a child?” wondered poet Nora

“ Who knows the thoughts of a child?” wondered poet Nora Perry.

Слайд 13 Do you like English?
Why do you want to

know it?
How can teachers help children to speak English If they don’t speak it or find it tough?

Do you like English? Why do you want to know it? How can teachers help children

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