Презентация, доклад по английскому языку:Система образования

My ideal system - a free education for all students in Russia. Students will have to pay a penny , but the needs of the university. Fully paid education will be the state

Слайд 1a system of free education at the University of

a system of free education at the University of

Слайд 2My ideal system - a free education for all students in

Russia. Students will have to pay a penny , but the needs of the university. Fully paid education will be the state
My ideal system - a free education for all students in Russia. Students will have to pay

Слайд 3Those who graduated from high school with honors will be paid

a monthly stipend. Also for all the others will be provided to the hostel , but they will pay for a small sum
Those who graduated from high school with honors will be paid a monthly stipend. Also for all

Слайд 4the hostel are all the conditions of life. Every Wednesday will

be room service, monthly sanepidemstantsii . There will also be board offenders who do not comply with the rules .
the hostel are all the conditions of life. Every Wednesday will be room service, monthly sanepidemstantsii .

Слайд 5there is a "but" in this system. People who do not

attend their university,learn to poorly or badly finished school , it lays down conditions state : or expel students or tuition fees
there is a

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