Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Здоровая еда

The pros of the vegetarian diet: - reduces overweight - includes lots of a cellulose - cleanses the body of toxins and impurities

Слайд 1Vegetarian diet

Vegetarian  diet

Слайд 3The pros of the vegetarian diet:
- reduces overweight - includes lots of

a cellulose - cleanses the body of toxins and impurities
The pros of the vegetarian diet: - reduces overweight  - includes lots of a cellulose

Слайд 4The cons of the vegetarian diet:
- the possible development of

anemia - Vitamin В12, В2, D deficiency - human body needs protein contained in the meat
The cons of the vegetarian diet: - the possible development of anemia  - Vitamin В12, В2,

Слайд 5Questions:
What do you think about vegetarian diet? Is it possible to everyone

to follow it? What is healthier a vegetarian diet or a healthy diet?
Questions:What do you think about vegetarian diet?  Is it possible to everyone to follow it?

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