Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Театр Олд Вик Приложение 2

The theatre was founded in 1818 by James King and Daniel Dunn and John Thomas Serres, who managed to secure the formal patronage of Princess Charlotte and her husband Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg naming the theatre

Слайд 1The Old Vic Theatre 103 The Cut, London, SE1 8NB

The Old Vic Theatre  103 The Cut, London, SE1 8NB

Слайд 2The theatre was founded in 1818 by James King and Daniel

Dunn and John Thomas Serres, who managed to secure the formal patronage of Princess Charlotte and her husband Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg naming the theatre the Royal Coburg Theatre.
The theatre was founded in 1818 by James King and Daniel Dunn and John Thomas Serres, who

Слайд 3The Old Vic was built to provide entertainment for the “nobility

and gentry”. This was clear from its first night performances in 1818 – an assortment of melodrama, Asiatic ballet and a ‘harlequinade’.
The Old Vic was built to provide entertainment for the “nobility and gentry”. This was clear from

Слайд 4Over the next 70 years, it changed its name no less

than four times and it closed down with every name change.
It was only in 1884 as ‘The Royal Victoria Hall and Coffee Tavern’ that the Old Vic began to be respected as a proper theatre, mostly due to its popular seasons of Shakespeare plays.
Over the next 70 years, it changed its name no less than four times and it closed

Слайд 5The penny lectures given in the hall led to the foundation of Morley

College, an adult  education college, that moved only in the 1920s. Morley College is an adult education college in central London. It offers part time, day and evening courses, for leisure, pleasure or to gain a qualification.It offers courses in a wide variety of fields including art and design, fashion, languages, drama, dance, music, health and humanities.
The penny lectures given in the hall led to the foundation of Morley College, an adult  education college, that moved

Слайд 6The Old Vic was damaged badly during the Second World War,

and the Old Vic Company could only return to their rebuilt home in 1950.
The Old Vic was damaged badly during the Second World War, and the Old Vic Company could

Слайд 7In 1963, the Old Vic company was dissolved and the new

National Theatre Company,  under the artistic direction of Laurence Olivier, was based at the Old Vic. In 1976 the National Theatre company moved to their own building in the National Theatre.
In 1963, the Old Vic company was dissolved and the new National Theatre Company,  under the artistic

Слайд 8In 1998 Bourne Capital responded to a public outcry to rescue

The Old Vic, by forming The Old Vic Theatre Trust to protect its future. The Trust has managed to re-launch this great landmark to unprecedented success and wide public acclamation.
In 1998 Bourne Capital responded to a public outcry to rescue The Old Vic, by forming The

Слайд 9The Old Vic Theatre Auditorium

The Old Vic Theatre Auditorium

Слайд 10THE Present-day Old vic
The Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey became artistic director

of the newly established Old Vic production company and raised the theatre’s profile. He has since starred in and directed a significant number of its plays.
THE Present-day Old vicThe Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey became artistic director of the newly established Old Vic

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