The city was founded in 1571 by Ivan IV to protect and strengthen the southern borders of the Russian state from the main disaster of that time — the raids of nomads from The Golden Horde.
In 1593 the city under the name of Oskol was founded as an Outpost on the southern borders of the Russian Kingdom. The city is named after the river, on the banks of which is located. The main part of the population was military and peasants.
May 5, 2011 the city received the honorary title of "City of military glory" for the feats that he showed during the great Patriotic war .
The position of the city during the great Patriotic war was extremely difficult. For protection of the city all inhabitants rose-they dug entrenchments, created groups of defense, protected objects and did everything possible for a victory.
Stary Oskol today is one of the most dynamically developing cities in Russia.
The leading industries are ferrous metallurgy, mining, mechanical engineering and Metalworking, production of building materials, food industry.
Vasily Yakovlevich Eroshenko (1889-1952) - writer, translator, traveler, teacher, musician, Esperanto.
Mikhail Gavrilovich Erdenko (1886–1940) - violinist, teacher, honored art worker of the RSFSR (1935)
Zubov Anton Mikhailovich - Soviet artist, a member of the Second World War, the author of more than 100 paintings. (1907-1942).
Denis Aleksandrovich Lebedev is a Russian professional boxer competing in the first heavyweight category. WBA World Champion
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