Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Russian composers. Glinka

M. I. Glinka with mother and sister

Слайд 1M. I. Glinka 1804-1857

M. I. Glinka 1804-1857

Слайд 2M. I. Glinka with mother and sister

M. I. Glinka with mother and sister

Слайд 3The house in which he spent his childhood Mi Glinka

village of Novospasskoye)
The house in which he spent his childhood Mi Glinka (the village of Novospasskoye)

Слайд 4House in St. Petersburg, where Glinka lived from 1854-1856

House in St. Petersburg, where Glinka lived from 1854-1856

Слайд 5Glinka composed the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila»

Glinka composed the Opera

Слайд 6Anniversary stamps and coins

Anniversary stamps and coins

Слайд 8the grave of M. I. Glinka at the Tikhvin cemetery in

St. Petersburg
the grave of M. I. Glinka at the Tikhvin cemetery in St. Petersburg

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