Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме The Rights of the Child

the right to life

Слайд 1UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Слайд 3the right to life

the right to life

Слайд 4 the right to a name

the right to a name

Слайд 5the right to a nationality and to

belong to a country
the right to a nationality and      to belong to a country

Слайд 6the right to an official record of who you are

the right to an official record of who you are

Слайд 7 the right to live with your parent(s), unless it is

bad for you
the right to live with your parent(s), unless it is bad for you

Слайд 8 the right to express your opinion

the right to express your opinion

Слайд 9 the right to choose your own religion

the right to choose your own religion

Слайд 10 the right to choose your own friends

the right to choose your own friends

Слайд 11the right to privacy
You have the right to privacy

the right to privacyYou have the right to privacy

Слайд 12the right to get information

the right to get information

Слайд 13 the right to special care and help if you cannot

live with your parents.
the right to special care and help if you cannot live with your parents.

Слайд 14 the right to education

the right to education

Слайд 15 the right to clean and safe environment

the right to clean and safe environment

Слайд 16the right to medical service

the right to medical service

Слайд 17the right to healthy food

the right to healthy food

Слайд 18 the right to clothing

the right to clothing

Слайд 19 the right to play and rest.

the right to play and rest.

Слайд 20 the right to protection from harmful drugs and from the

drug trade.
the right to protection from harmful drugs and from the drug trade.

Слайд 21 the right to be free from abuse

the right to be free from abuse

Слайд 22 the right to protection from any kind of exploitation
You have

the right to protection from any kind of exploitation
the right to protection from any kind of exploitationYou have the right to protection from any

Слайд 23Governments and international organizations like UNICEF must ensure children’s rights.

Governments  and international organizations like UNICEF must ensure children’s rights.

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