Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Карьера

Career (ital. carriera — running, life, field, lat. carrus — wagon, cart) — successful promotion in the field of service, social, scientific and other activitieswhat is a career?

Слайд 1Important qualities for a successful career

Important qualities for a successful career

Слайд 2Career (ital. carriera — running, life, field, lat. carrus — wagon,

cart) — successful promotion in the field of service, social, scientific and other activities

what is a career?

Career (ital. carriera — running, life, field, lat. carrus — wagon, cart) — successful promotion in the

Слайд 3Success is achieving goals in a planned, positive result, any public

recognition of anything or anyone

And what is Success?

Success is achieving goals in a planned, positive result, any public recognition of anything or anyoneAnd what

Слайд 4how to succeed in the work?

how to succeed in the work?

Слайд 5Also there are a number of important qualities that will help

to achieve success such as
Love his work
Desire to learn new
The ability to take criticism

Important qualities?

Saying that to succeed you need two things:
know what you want;
to determine the price that you are willing to pay for the achievement of the goal.
But is it so simple? Of course not!

Also there are a number of important qualities that will help to achieve success such asResponsibilityProfessionalismCreativityCommunicability PedantryPurposefulnessLove

Слайд 6What is it?
Responsibility is an objective responsibility for acts and actions

and their consequences

Professionalism is the special property of people systematically, effectively and reliably to carry out complex (professional) activity in a variety of conditions

Creativity — creative ability of the individual — ability to produce unusual ideas, to deviate from traditional schemes of thinking quickly to solve a problem situation

Communicability — the ability to communicate, establish relations, contacts

What is it?Responsibility is an objective responsibility for acts and actions and their consequencesProfessionalism is the special

Слайд 7Pedantry - rigor in the implementation of all requirements, the extreme

precision and accuracy

Purposefulness - positive moral-volitional quality of personality, manifested as the individual's ability to set clear and accessible goals and objectives of the activities, actions

Love his work, desire to learn new and ability to take criticism will help to make the work enjoyable

Pedantry - rigor in the implementation of all requirements, the extreme precision and accuracyPurposefulness - positive moral-volitional

Слайд 8come to success!
A successful career is the dream of many people.

To achieve this in the power of any person!
The only profession where you start at the top, is digging holes
come to success!A successful career is the dream of many people. To achieve this in the power

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