Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Ecology

The environmental situation of the city, its natural systems is greatly influenced by growing urbanization. The analysis of the environmental situation in the city has revealed a trend towards improvement of some indicators of environmental degradation.

Слайд 1Ecology of Khabarovsk: the history in official figures
Performed By Alexandra Vereshchagina

By Alena Vaulina
Ecology of Khabarovsk: the history in official figuresPerformed By Alexandra VereshchaginaPerformed By Alena Vaulina

Слайд 2The environmental situation of the city, its natural systems is greatly

influenced by growing urbanization. The analysis of the environmental situation in the city has revealed a trend towards improvement of some indicators of environmental degradation. So, for example, decreased emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air of the city decreased volume of wastewater discharged in the basin of the Amur river, increased recycling and utilization of wastes of production and consumption.
The environmental situation of the city, its natural systems is greatly influenced by growing urbanization. The analysis

Слайд 3Atmospheric air
Since 2005 there has been a reduction of the dynamics

of emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air of the city, which allowed to exclude the city of Khabarovsk from the list of Russian cities with the highest pollution levels.
The main contribution to the emission of pollutants from stationary sources is made by enterprises for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, so a significant factor in the reduction of emissions was the implementation of measures to transfer of the Khabarovsk CHPP-1 and CHPP-2 to gas.
Reduction of emissions in atmospheric air of the city also achieved through the implementation of the air protection plan of the Khabarovsk oil refinery, LLC "Avtoremzavod № 2", OJSC "Bakery-7", MUP cities of Khabarovsk "Dorremstroy".
However, in the last decade, transport impacts, creating a high density and toxicity of pollution comes to the fore. In a sense, road transport becomes the "levelling factor" environmental stress of the urban environment.
Monitoring of air quality in Khabarovsk is carried out at four fixed stations of the far Eastern interregional territorial administration Federal service for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring (state institution "Khabarovsk ITF-RSMC") for the main (suspended matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxide and nitrogen dioxide) and specific (hydrogen sulfide, phenol, ammonia, formaldehyde, chromium) substances. Is sampling air determination of heavy metals with their further analysis in the si "NPO "Typhoon", Obninsk. We will select 25 indicators.
Atmospheric airSince 2005 there has been a reduction of the dynamics of emissions of polluting substances in

Слайд 4Surface water bodies
The Amur river is of great importance for socio-economic

development of the city of Khabarovsk and being a powerful water transport artery of the region, tourism development, recreatie and is used for needs of population and industry.
Annually 79% of total volume diverted from the Amur river and underground sources of fresh water discharged into the river. According to the Federal state statistics report that in 2012, 99% of the volume of flushed water is classified as "polluted", including wastewater treated to design values for municipal wastewater treatment facilities. In addition, because of incomplete centralized Sewerage systems of the city into small rivers of the Black, Nigella, Polievka and the basin of the Amur river annually brings more than 3.2 million cubic metres of untreated sewage (residential community on the streets of Messenger, Trekhgornij, Eastern highway, POS. Gorky, DOS, etc.).
For wastewater discharged by the enterprises of the city, typical pollutants are organic matter, nitrogen containing compounds, phosphates, petroleum products, iron, heavy metal compounds, phenols.
At Khabarovsk the hydrochemical observations are carried out in the sites of the channels of the Amur and the Amur river. In relation to 2011 in the chemical composition of the water ducts of the Amur big changes was not observed. The quality of water is assessed as "polluted" (3rd class "a"grade).
In the Amur river near the city the water quality has improved compared with 2011 (3rd class "b" – "very polluted") and corresponds to class 3 "a" "polluted". The exceedance was noted by 9 out of 16 qualifying indicators in integrated assessment.
Surface water bodiesThe Amur river is of great importance for socio-economic development of the city of Khabarovsk

Слайд 5Waste management of production and consumption
Wastes of production and consumption relate

to one of the factors negatively affecting the quality of the environment, leading to soil degradation, green spaces, water and other natural resources.
The volume of annually formed on the territory of the city waste is estimated at 300 thousand tons of industrial waste and up to 204 thousand tons of waste.
There was not only quantitative but also qualitative change of waste composition.
As a result of production activities and livelihoods of waste of 1-4 hazard classes from highly hazardous (mercury-containing waste) to low hazard (waste plastics packaging film, used pneumatic tyres, etc.)
Many aspects related to waste issues in the city of Khabarovsk, including involvement in waste recycling, were implemented within the targeted urban environmental programs. For the period from 2001 created about 30 enterprises engaged in the collection, recycling and disposal of waste.
The species composition of the collected recyclable materials in the city of Khabarovsk include waste paper, tires, used batteries, broken glass, polymer, and other mercury-containing waste.
In 2012, the share of disposed and recycled waste in total waste taken to the landfill for disposal, in comparison with previous years has increased.
Waste management of production and consumptionWastes of production and consumption relate to one of the factors negatively

Слайд 7The greenery of the city. Specially protected natural territories of local


Green space of the city are an integral part of the optimization of the ecological environment and its place in the ecosystem. Major elements of the system of gardening of Khabarovsk are parks, gardens, boulevards, parks, street planting, lawns, landscaping residential areas, sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises.
The issues of landscaping of the city based on scientific research, elaborate and follow up the activities of all structural divisions of administration, industrial enterprises and organizations, population.
Conduct planned work on assessment and restoration of urban green spaces, planted annually more than 11 thousand shrubs and large trees far rocks, a new Park "Northern" area of over 42 hectares.
Created and improved system of municipal management and control of use, protection, protection and reproduction of the urban forests, forest of specially protected areas of local importance (hereinafter – SPNT), with the city's special environmental and recreational value and which is the basis of the green Fund of the city. In the city of Khabarovsk selected 27 such areas, including 6 – of regional significance and 21 local importance.

The greenery of the city. Specially protected natural territories of local importance.Green space of the city are

Слайд 9Environmental education, education and information
The priority and legal basis of development

of ecological education and enlightenment of the population defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation with the rights of citizens to favorable environment, reliable information about its state, for damages done to their health or property by ecological offences.
The system of ecological education in the city of Khabarovsk has 4 main levels: preschool, school and additional professional education (higher education) and training of managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations.
The most widely different forms of environmental education covered in the students of educational institutions of the city. 182 educational institutions of the city of continuous ecological education and upbringing of children is carried out in three areas:
– implementation of programs of General and additional education environmental focus;
– education of ecological culture of students through the organization of research activities, events, practical employment as part of holiday recreation;
– development of international linkages for exchange of ecological expeditions of school students.
Education conscious, environmentally educated and cultured citizen is impossible without increasing its participation in practical Affairs. MBOU DOD "Children's ecological and biological centre" under the guidance of Department of education of the city administration with the participation of the office for the protection of the environment and natural resources of the city administration annually organizes and holds such events as labor troops of young ecologists in the protection of the environment, environmental raids on clearing of a coastal zone of the Amur river, the action "let's Preserve the nature of the native land", "Clean city", "Days of protection from ecological danger", "Yard of my childhood" and others.
Environmental education, education and informationThe priority and legal basis of development of ecological education and enlightenment of

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention!

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