Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Sightseeng's of Semey (6 класс)

Situated- орналасқанpOPULATION- халық саныMUSEUM – музейlibrary - кітапханаTheatre - театрcinema- кинотеатрdeveloping – даму,өркендеу

I – Crossing questions on the previous topic
II –

Key words
III – Crossing questions
IV – Critical questions
V – Vocabulary knowledge
sIghtSEEING’S OF sEMEYI – Crossing questions on the previous topicII – Key wordsIII – Crossing questionsIV –

Слайд 2
Situated- орналасқан
pOPULATION- халық саны
MUSEUM – музей
library - кітапхана
Theatre -

cinema- кинотеатр
developing – даму,өркендеу
Situated-  орналасқанpOPULATION- халық саныMUSEUM – музейlibrary - кітапханаTheatre -  театрcinema- кинотеатрdeveloping –

Слайд 3Situated – to be placed in a particular location

Situated – to be placed in a particular location

Слайд 4Population-the number of people living in a particular place

Population-the number of people living in a particular place

Слайд 5Museum- a building where objects of hictorical,cultural interest are kept .

Museum- a building where objects of hictorical,cultural interest are kept .

Слайд 6Library- a building, a room that has a collection of books

for people to read.
Library- a building, a room that has a collection of books for people to read.

Слайд 7Theatre- a building witch people can watch a performance or other

Theatre- a building witch people can watch a performance or other activity

Слайд 8Cinema- a room where people pay to watch films

Cinema- a room where people pay to watch films

Слайд 9Developing- growing or becoming stronger or more advenced

Developing- growing or becoming stronger or more advenced

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