Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Holidays

Can you read these words?HolidayCelebrateInviteInvitation cardDecorationTraditionalCook tasty dishesMake some saladsWomen’s DayNew year ChristmasPancake’s DayHarvest festivalMother’s DayVictory Day1st SeptemberSt. Valentines DayCity Day MoscowSt. Tatiana’s DaySagaalganSabantuy



Слайд 2Can you read these words?
Invitation card
Cook tasty dishes
Make some salads

Women’s Day

Pancake’s Day
Harvest festival
Mother’s Day
Victory Day
1st September
St. Valentines Day
City Day Moscow
St. Tatiana’s Day
Can you read these words?HolidayCelebrateInviteInvitation cardDecorationTraditionalCook tasty dishesMake some saladsWomen’s DayNew year ChristmasPancake’s DayHarvest festivalMother’s DayVictory Day1st

Слайд 6What is Pancake Day? Pancake Day is the last day before the

period which Christians call Lent (Великий Пост) in February or March. It is a traditional on this day to eat pancakes. A pancake is a thin, flat cake fried in a frying pan. For pancakes, you need flour, eggs and milk. You can eat them with lots of things including sugar, golden syrup, or jam. Some people add lemon juice. In some parts of Britain, there are pancakes races on this day. People race with a frying pan in one hand. They have to throw a pancake in the air and catch it again in the frying pan as they run.
What is Pancake Day? Pancake Day is the last day before the period which Christians call Lent

Слайд 7What is Mother’s Day? It is celebrated three weeks before Easter. This

is the time for people living in the UK to think about their mothers. People often give flowers or chocolates or organize a special day out for their mothers at this time. They also send a special “Mother’s Day” card
What is Mother’s Day? It is celebrated three weeks before Easter. This is the time for people

Слайд 8What is the Harvest Festival? The Harvest Festival is a celebration

of the food grown on the land. Thanksgiving Ceremonies and celebrations of a successful harvest are very ancient. In Britain, people have given thanks for a successful harvests since olden times. They celebrate this day by singing and decorating their houses and churches with baskets of fruit and food in a festival known as the Harvest Festival, usually during the month of September.
What is the Harvest Festival?  The Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on

Слайд 10Do it at home: 1)to explore and then write an essay:

“ Why the15th of May considers the Day of Ossetian Language?” 2) TB. ex. 12, p. 160.
Do it at home:  1)to explore and then write an essay: “ Why the15th of May

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