Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Как вести себя за столом

The Englishman keeps the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left. It is not polite to take the biggest piece.

Слайд 1Как вести себя за столом
English Table Manners

Как вести себя за столомEnglish Table Manners

Слайд 2 The Englishman keeps the knife
in the

right hand, the fork in
the left.

It is not polite to take the
biggest piece.

The Englishman keeps the knife    in the right hand, the fork in

Слайд 3 Put the napkin on your lap.

Don’t eat

from the knife.

Don’t eat with your mouth full.

Put the napkin on your lap.  Don’t eat from the knife.  Don’t eat

Слайд 4 It is not polite to leave a spoon in

a tea cup. Put your spoon on your

If you’re visiting a family, you
should offer to help clear the
table and wash up the dishes
after a meal.
It is not polite to leave a spoon in   a tea cup. Put your

Слайд 5 Never read while eating.

Don’t put your elbows on your


It is not polite to leave the table
during a meal.
Never read while eating. Don’t put your elbows on your   table. It is not

Слайд 6Thank You For Your Time!

Thank You For Your Time!

Слайд 7Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка Михневич Е.А.

город Артёмовский

Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка Михневич Е.А.город Артёмовский

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