Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Пассивный залог (7-9 классы)

ACTIVE vs PASSIVEPassive sentences indicate that what happens is more important than who is responsible.ActiveSimon has painted the house.(The speaker is talking about Simon and the house)PassiveThe house has been painted.(Only the house is being discussed

Komogorova A.
Moscow region. Electrostal. 2018.

THE PASSIVEKomogorova A.Moscow region. Electrostal. 2018.

Passive sentences indicate that what happens is more important

than who is responsible.

Simon has painted the house.
(The speaker is talking about Simon and the house)

The house has been painted.
(Only the house is being discussed and not the person who painted it)
ACTIVE vs PASSIVEPassive sentences indicate that what happens is more important than who is responsible.ActiveSimon has painted

Слайд 4The times

The times

Слайд 5Practice
Money is collected by John.

PracticeMoney is collected by John.

Слайд 6Practice
The window was opened by Anna.

PracticeThe window was opened by Anna.

Слайд 7Practice
Our homework has been done by us.

PracticeOur homework has been done by us.

Слайд 8Practice
A question will be asked by me.

PracticeA question will be asked by me.

Слайд 9Practice
The picture can be cut out by him.

PracticeThe picture can be cut out by him.

Слайд 10Practice
A lot was eaten by the sheep.

PracticeA lot was eaten by the sheep.

Слайд 11Practice
Our rooms are not cleaned by us.

PracticeOur rooms are not cleaned by us.

Слайд 12Practice
The car will not be repaired by William.

PracticeThe car will not be repaired by William.

Слайд 13Practice
Was this circle drawn by Sue?

PracticeWas this circle drawn by Sue?

Слайд 14Practice
Could the dog be fed by you?

PracticeCould the dog be fed by you?

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