Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Легко ли быть молодым 9 класс

I am citizen of Zai . I like my city. I got passport and I stood citizen. I stood older and I answered of my dealings.If you citizen, you can be all, but heard law!

Слайд 1I am citizen!
Be citizen is very important for you and

your city and country.
I am citizen! Be citizen is very important for you and your city and country.

Слайд 2I am citizen of Zai . I like my city. I

got passport and I stood citizen. I stood older and I answered of my dealings.

If you citizen, you can be all, but heard law!

I am citizen of Zai . I like my city. I got passport and I stood citizen.

Слайд 3I started have feel that I am small integral part of

my city and country.

I like my city because I relate with her when I was born.

I started have feel that I am small integral part of my city and country. I like

Слайд 4Citizen - individual
Citizen have mutual rights, obligations.

Citizen - individualCitizen have mutual rights, obligations.

Слайд 5 Be a citizen is cool!

Be a citizen is cool!

Слайд 6Citizen is very
interesting  theme in our life and cinema…

Citizen is very interesting  theme in our life and  cinema…

Слайд 7As for me, I think that if you will not in

your country, you must stay exemplary citizen .

I Love my city!!! Because my city is very beautiful !

As for me, I think that if you will not in your country, you must stay exemplary

Слайд 8Dont worry be happy be citizen is easy as ABC.

Dont worry be happy be citizen is easy as ABC.

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